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Ashbourne, Peak District, Sun 14th June Postponed

Julie Hall - WSCC AO Representative

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Meet at the Bentley Brook Inn, DE6 1LF, it is 2.5 miles north of Ashbourne, 10.30 am.


There are no Bentley's there but we can get a tea and a wee.


Then it's a twisty run across the tops of the Peak District, just missing the Cat and Fiddle pub to end up for lunch at the Hotel Rudyard, near the pretty Rudyard Lake, north of Leek. Then it's a brief section through Leek town centre (yuk) to spit us back out on the country roads past the beautiful Ramshaw Rocks, which, from this direction tower right above you.


Not there yet, a great road takes you right underneath the Roaches and to a tea room with a view and lots of yummy cakes. We can sort the route from there depending on in which direction people need to be for home.


Everybody welcome.

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I'll try and come along on this one!

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Got to take Lauren to her dancing comp, have a good day.

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OK Steve, thanks for letting me know.


Fingers crossed Dave can come, no thick fog this time hopefully.

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The gearbox isn't expected back until next week.. so I suspect I'll have to miss this..I'll be spannering in the Garage (again!).  Have fun.

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Unless the weather is too bad then Pat & I will see you there. I will let the guy that bought my Tiger know, he may join us (if that's OK with you).


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Would love to come to this, from the other side of the peaks (with Ashbourne only 40 mins away), but it's Le Mans next weekend.

Hopefully there will be another opportunity later in the year :)

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Ian, Yes bring the Tiger man along too, no problem.


Dave_t, Yes there will be regular meets in Ashbourne in the future. If people turn up I will keep it going, it's as simple as that. Enjoy Le Mans and be sure to tell us all about it when you see us.


Weather forecast at the moment is cloudy and dry, I'll take that.



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Hi Julie,

Tiger man is going to the Download Festival. We are still up for it but looking at the weather forecast it looks like a roof up day. Will you still want to run it with that sort of weather or reschedule for another day?


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With our unreliable forecasters I normally leave it to the last minute before making an rash decisions. Please keep an eye on this thread and I will update it.



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No problem, can be at Bentley Brook in 40 minutes, or 30 minutes if I have to!

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Sorry, I'm going to cry off this one - still got a temperature and the shakes, I don't want to be spreading the lurgy bug around!

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Decision time and no matter how many different forecasts I look at they all say the same, that is rain for tomorrow. So I am postponing this one for another day.


Very sorry folks and I will see you in the very near future.



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Thanks for the early posting. BBC weather app is now showing a much better day tomorrow so will go fo a solo blat and see where we end up.

Catch up with you soon.


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