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St Goueno Video's


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Ok after a bit of a faff here's my best run of the weekend, this is my first and only timed complete practice run of 1 min 46s which I'm very chuffed with.


This is the short version ( just the complete run ) as my first attempt was red flagged and I got sent back down for this re-run, I'll post the full video later.


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Car sounds savage, course looks mental! I'm impressed, very impressed :t-up:

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Here's the full version including being red flagged and sent back down for a re-run  :d


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Finally here's my best run in the wet, this was T3 which was my fastest timed run at 2 mins 08s, rubbish heel-toe timing give me a scare down shifting about 1min 48s in and I bottled it after that, just wanted to bring the Silver Bullet home in one piece  ;)


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i'm planning the summer break Mrs Panda is thinking about it.... another round in the SS?

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i'm break SS?
i'm planning t.... another round in the SS?thi
... another round in the SS?

Discussion with Nick has already taken place but unfortunately MSA require all events to be UK based. Nothing stopping us making it a non-points scoring round.

In all honesty the organisation of the actual hill climb was typically french! But the craic surrounding the whole event and fours days of fun and entertainment more than made up for it.

Real shame the actual Sunday timed runs were wet, and some of the UK entrants caused significant delays (not the WSCC team). Never been on such an oily course before which undoubtedly lowered our enthusiasm for putting in a very fast run.

Richard, unfortunately, showed us what could happen. Glad to say he was ok other than a damaged hand and pride. He refused Tim Nun's offer of a massage and chose to have a shower with Graham and Martin :-)

All in all a fantastic trip and to be repeated next year.

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Some great videos there Martin, looked like you were on it in the dry, shame about the rain on the Sunday, looked a bit slippy to say the least. Glad to see your CSE French came in handy with marshal

Sorry too hear about Richard hope its not too serious.

Might have to join you all next year.

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Glad to see your CSE French came in handy with marshal



:cry:  :cry:  :cry:

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Here's one of my timed runs in the wet, long wait on the start line and warning of oil at the bottom and top of the course.


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Nice smooth run that Paul, looked a bit like beach racing at the end !

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Great stuff from all those who took part shame about Sunday!

Does make a difference when its a 2 mile hill

Marto aren't you supposed to drive on the right in France!

Well done all!

Gluten Free

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Great stuff from all those who took part shame about Sunday!

Does make a difference when its a 2 mile hill

Marto aren't you supposed to drive on the right in France!

Well done all!

Gluten Free


Mange tout Gluten Mange tout  ;)  ;)  ;)

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Well it wasn't easy Graham 


and if the cap fits  ???  ???  ???  :d

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