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Indicators (Westie@Stoneleigh)


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At Stoneleigh there was a Westie in one of the buildings (think it was opposite NMS, or in that area) which had small LED indicators mounted on a small piece of carbon underneath the headlight units, instead of the usual bike indicators on the nose cone. I really liked that solution but I forgot to take pictures, so am hoping the owner or maybe someone else has any details? I think the Westie was for sale too...

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it was marcuses car the yellow westfield with the black nose cone as you say yhey looked really smart

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Tom's old car - T3OMF Tom fitted the indicators and used some Carbon offcut we had to mount them , and yes the car is for sale and still looks mint too . 

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Does anyone have a picture?

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I'll try and dig out some photos for you tomorrow.

Yes this was my old car and it was me that came up with the design

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Cheers!  I don't suppose you can remember where you got the indicators themselves from? Most of the stalk based ones look like they should be fitted horizontally, unlike yours

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