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Peak District Area Monthly Meet 24th May

Julie Hall - WSCC AO Representative

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We will be there might be there a little later than 10.30 if it's raining but currently says it's only raining till 10 see you there

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Just waited out a torrential down pour, leaving now.

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Sorry aborted, turned round and heading back; rain getting worse, can cope with that, but fog starting to get thicker too:


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Nice try Dave, maybe next time, say in the winter when the weather is better!


It's a quickie write up today because I am rushing off out to celebrate Glen's 60th birthday, so here we go. Who turned up today? we had tricky with wife Liz but in the Audi due to no roof, MattyCatty, MartynV and Sue, Syman84 and his father-in-law, making 5 seven style cars. Not bad for a rainy day.


We had a quick brew while Simon got properly dressed and put his T-Shirt on the right way round, whoops.


I had my roof on just in case it proper rained, and at The Strines it knows how to do that, fortunately it never really came down.




All the cars at The Strines




We threw the plan out of the window, I had carefully chosen a 'Bank Holiday' route but with no traffic about we changed it and went up Winnats Pass. The slow car in front turned off and YES, at last, a free run at the pass, sweet. 


Then, problem, Simon ran out of electricity. We did the only decent thing and left him to await recovery. On we went over the hills, past the Dragon's Back where we slowed to admire the view, until we got to The Winking Man for lunch. Just the 3 of us now.






We had a wiggle round through Buxton finishing up at The Old Smithy where Sue and I discovered that we could be cousins, no not really, are you sure?


Thank you to everyone for coming and fetching the cars out on a dodgy day, I'm off to put me posh frock on and high heels...me in high heels...it has been known...only on New Years Eve though.


Thanks to Tricky for the birthday card, naughty boy.



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Alternator was dead so swaped batteries with farther in law bumped him so his car would charge my battery and we ended up heading towards home via bakewell for a chippy lunch. Nice to see you all again hopeful we will be back fully charged next time.

Cheers simon michelle James and lesley

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Happy Birthday Glenn you old Sod! :-)

Barry and Andrew

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:bc: Happy birthday Glenn all the best

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Glen says thank you for the birthday wishes, he is off to feel old now, although after trying to get in the Westie with the roof on he already feels old. Something about legs not bending anymore.

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Julie tell "Euro Glen" to keep his chin up, as it can only get worse with age!

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