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Cheshire & N. Staffs - joining run out to Demon Tweeks with Finkangel

Dave Eastwood (Gadgetman) - Club Chairman

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We're going to have a run out this Saturday morning to join up with Stu, (Finkangel's) run to Demon Tweeks. 


I'll be leaving Congleton at about 9.30 am to meet up with the guys in Leek at around 10.10, from there we'll head on over to DT.


If anyone from Cheshire fancies blowing the cob webs away, shout out, we can either meet up in the Congleton area, or at the Shell garage in Leek.



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Might meet you at demon tweeks, it's not far from me :)

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Oscars birthday on Saturday, I would be shot if the Westie moved, so I won't even ask the boss!! Enjoy the run, hope sun is out for you guys


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Shame can't make this either. Hopefully they'll be a few more Cheshire run-outs in the near future.


Have a good run out

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There will be a run out to join the Peak District meet the following Sunday (the 24th), and I'm trying to rearrange a few things so that I can head up to join the Yorkshire 8 Run on this coming Sunday.


More to come next month... 

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Just to let you know, there is also an Auto Extravaganza at Rudyard Lake on Saturday too.

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The forecast is looking good  :t-up:

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What is the rough ETA at Demon Tweeks?

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About 11:00 if all goes to plan.

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