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Horsepower at the Hall Sat 9th May

Julie Hall - WSCC AO Representative

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On the 9th May it is the Horsepower at the Hall in Lincoln.


We will be meeting at MacDonalds, Junction 30 M1 at 8am, going to the Lincoln event 9am-12. Then we will get some lunch before setting off back past MacDonalds, through Chesterfield, heading north through the Peak District, stopping for teas and wees aiming to land at the Oil Can Cafe BBQ and car show. Both events are free entry.


There are several petrol stops in there too.


Anyone can join us on any part of this double event, just let me know where and when to pick you up.


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psst date is wrong in the title :p

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Hi Julie, 


Emma and I will see you at McD's, The Costa next door will be open at that time for some breakfast,  - weathers not looking great however so will keep an eye on it. 




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Thanks Clark, that will teach me to copy and paste in a rush.


At the moment the weather forecast is very grim, so as it stands now I am not going to the Horsepower at the Hall. If the weather during the day on Saturday is ok then I will go to the Oil Can Cafe event. I will pm MartynV.


I hope the local Lincoln mob will still go.


Weather is forecast good for Sunday so I will be going to the Ripon event, hint hint.


Keep posted and let me know what your plans are too.




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Sean and Emma have decided the same as we have, that the forecast is too bad for this event, so we will not be meeting at McD's.


Hopefully some local members will make it and support the lovely Ben with his event, don't forget to send some pictures in if you go.




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I have some pictures, I think from Andrew who went to the Horsepower at the Hall. Well done for going and well done for not forgetting the best bit - sharing your pictures, thank you.


Andrew's car

























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