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Tamworth to Blyton on Sunday

Martyn Vann - Warwickshire AO

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After the disappointment of not being able make the run from Tamworth to the westfield open day last weekend we are going to try again by heading up to the Blyton sprint on Sunday to meet up with Julie and the Peak District area (see separate thread).


Anyone who fancies tagging along is more than welcome :) 


The general itinerary is as follows but is subject to change depending on interest:-


Leave Tamworth approx 8.30am via the Ashby road to the A444 Appleby Magna (possible pick up at McDs if required)


Continue on A42 to Junc 13 Ashby, breakfast at McDs (20 mins)


Continue on the A512, turning off on to Rempstone Road heading through Ogasthorpe, Belton and on the A6006 through Wymeswold to the A46


Continuing north on the A46 past Newark show ground (this road is a little boring) turning off on to the A1133 to Gainsborough etc etc.


Arrival approximately 11am?



I have suggested a couple of meeting places but if there are any along the route you would like to suggest please chip in.


Martyn & Sue

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Sorry have something booked for this weekend so wont be able to attend this run out :-(


I will mention it a the Area Meeting tomorrow ( 16th April 2015 )


Hopefully, get to have a run out with you all soon.





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Martin, hopefully i'll join you, somewhere between Wymswold and the A46 would be good, are you planning on taking the A6006 all the way to the A46 or cutting off on the first left after Wymswold onto East Road and Back Lane upto it, if the latter there is a small pull in just after the turn onto East road where i could lurk.



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Hi Yanto,


Yes I will take that turn off the A6006, hope to find you lurking there on Sunday.


I'm not sure what time we will arrive there, I could PM you when we leave the McDs at Ashby or text you, if you PM your number to me?

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