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why can't we effing swear on this forum ;-)


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I like this forum and Briskoda forum as it is, with no swearing rules.  Go on others that do have swearing, the content becomes unintelligible.  

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Its actually fun finding non offensive ways to express yourself when I would normally rattle out a list of expletives.

Despite now being in a "Professional Postition", I still swear like a blind cobbler.

However... I can't remember the last time I ever swore AT anybody and I never want to.

My car might be a right obstreperous individual of dubious parentage , but nobody is a trahlalah idiot.

Thats when forums get out of control, when folk swear at each other.

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Mrs Brown seems to get it right, right place right time right environment. Not in here with all the goody two shoes political correctness that patrol the fourum. Your barking up the wrong ***** tree lol.
Now that might get me a few warning points?

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Are the warning points a badge of honour like an ASBO?

Who's got the most?

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Happily for you Terry, the swear filter caught it - but it's not warning points, it's a temporary posting ban if someone deliberately does something to bypass the swear filter.


Just for clarity to all, it's good to remind yourself of the above link and and the Forum Guidelines at the bottom of every page from time to time.


Mike, I'm happy to say no one in the club has any warning points at the moment :t-up: , and as you rightly say there is the odd person who might like wearing warning points and see them as a badge of honour and even brag about them, hence the reason we've had to go straight to a temporary posting ban for deliberately bypassing the swear filter.


On the rare occasion when warning points are applied, the matter is kept entirely private between the member in question and the committee.  The only time you'll see mention of it is if the offending member mentions it publicly.  We never publish warning point lists.

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Its actually fun finding non offensive ways to express yourself when I would normally rattle out a list of expletives.

Despite now being in a "Professional Postition", I still swear like a blind cobbler.

However... I can't remember the last time I ever swore AT anybody and I never want to.

My car might be a right obstreperous individual of dubious parentage , but nobody is a trahlalah idiot.

Thats when forums get out of control, when folk swear at each other.

 the only problem i have is that often the non offensive ways are simply a ruse to get past the filter.


for example, the 4 letter F word used a slang way for procreation.... we all know what it is. what is the difference between me saying effinell instead of *@#**el? either way i have said it.  its akin to people who lower their voice loads to swear or put on that mongoloid sound when they swear when you speak. if youv'e had to do that then you meant to say it so just say it out loud or dont say it at all. obviously the forum rule is not at all but im just making the point that there is no point in some of the methods used.


james may hit it right when he used meat and potato locksmith to describe a certain demographic. not offensive but we know what he meant and he did it to prove a point that he might as well have been allowed to say it. 24 hr bans work well (i should know ;))

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Swearing can be versatile especially The F-Word.  I remember hearing of some Army REME bod tying to fix a broken tank in the Gulf War. 

Hanging upside down inside the engine bay in the sweltering heat and with sand in every orifice, his boss enquired whether he could spot the fault and fix it.  His reply was:


"F-!!! The F-ing F-ers's F-ing F-ed!!"  Which was clearly understood and summed up the problem and the severity of the situation


You can't do that with any other word!

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Looks like this post has got out of hand…I think the original post was only asking a question (with a bit of tongue and cheek)


Maybe we need to lighten up…and enjoy life (and of course our motors)... :)

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