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why can't we effing swear on this forum ;-)


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I mean if cycling forum's allow it and nobody cuts out the naughties then surely us rough tough petrol drinking flame farting nutters of the road should be allowed to?


I give you an example of a young ladies cycle ride report https://yacf.co.uk/forum/index.php?topic=47709.0 


WARNING:- if you go church and eat cucumber sandwiches with the crusts cut off and drink tea with your pinky stuck in the air, then yes there really are educated young ladies who SWEAR!


Some readers on this forum might not understand the cycling abbreviations, but it's ok they can be ignored, just as some readers of cycling forums may not know what a "front splitter" is.


Before i get kicked off the forum and banned from the club may i do this first  :getmecoat:

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At work I swear like a dock yard worker becaurse I work on construction sites and its the only language some people understand but I quite like the civilised nature on this forum.

I know most are not that bothered by it but there are some that don't.

Insults can soon start flying if your not careful.

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We do have members from all walks of life, some find swearing offensive others don't, such is life. We have never yet has a post reported because no one swore in it!  :d


We have many members with young children; many of these little ones like sitting with daddy, browsing through the forum looking at the pictures of cars that are just like daddy's. Again, many of these daddies dislike explaining to the little one some of the more choice words before they have to...


And lastly, we've experimented with the "lets allow mild" stuff, just like they do on the beeb; steadily threads got more and more aggressive language wise as those that didn't watch Top Gear and appreciate being called a dangler was a good thing would strike back with slightly worse, things just kept spiraling.  :oops:


:getmecoat:  :getmecoat:  :getmecoat:

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Should add, with the day job, I'm split between office stuff and site work, which means many hours on construction sites, which exactly as Stu said means swearing is just endemic, but neither I nor most of the builders would dream of going up to the clients and speaking the same way! 

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I run major construction projects with a team of site managers under me and we all agree that there is nothing worse than a load of swearing and we actively encourage a non swearing environment on our projects.

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Swearing has its place and I can swear with the best of em. But why would you want to write it down on a forum?

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As beautifully explained above  :t-up: and for reasons well documented, repeatedly explained and more than adequately justified in the past, the ban on swearing stays and is not open for debate.


The average intelligent human being, which describes us all in here, has a vocabulary of between 15,000 and 20,000 words.  Being prevented from using about 10 to 20 words should be no impendement to expressing oneself in a way that everyone else can understand.

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Oh come on, my post was highlighting an extreme on another forum, i don't want swearies here, hence the wink in the title, relax, mop up the hot chocolate you've just spluttered out on your carpet slippers.  Nice to see who's awake though  :d and i did warn you not to open the link.


Oh and the first time I saw "front splitter" on here I googled it as it didn't know what one was, I was shocked at some of the images!

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Oh come on, my post was highlighting an extreme on another forum, i don't want swearies here, hence the wink in the title, relax, mop up the hot chocolate you've just spluttered out on your carpet slippers.  Nice to see who's awake though  :d and i did warn you not to open the link.


Oh and the first time I saw "front splitter" on here I googled it as it didn't know what one was, I was shocked at some of the images!

I expect you was looking for replies and you got them. no cucumber sandwiches in Scotland… :d 

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It's ok Yanto, I realised where you were coming from, I was just explaining before anyone sought more-open the debate! (Always harder to do so afterwards!)


Anyway, I daren't spill my cocoa, matron shouts at me so, when I do  :down: 

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yeah i know, i'm stuck in North Queensferry now typing this, all i could find was steak, not a cucumber in sight!

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Only 10-20 words.... Wait until I have to swap my diff with a full cage and FW bodywork.. We'll have that up to 50 in no time :)

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I was a teenager in the sixties - we practically invented profanity, promiscuity, and loose morals. However with the language of the legendary Bill Wagstaff of Stratford at our disposal, we really can express our emotions more elegantly than the hairy-legged Saxons did. :d

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