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Anyone see tonight's Skint TV program?

Council trash folk moaning about having no money and no jobs, yet they have 7 kids, smoke loads, most have pets, buy booze and most of the women are fat..

Sorry if you are truly skint then,

1 stop eating so much - food costs money

2 stop smoking- fags cost money

3 go out and try to find a job- be useful to society

4 get rid of the pet- pets cost money

God these people p**s me off

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They all have a massive telly and a leather settee as well.

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Just watching it on plus one and it certainly is an eye opener. All the dog dirt in that chaps yard made me gip.

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Its just carp telly. Produced to do exactly what it has done, irritate most people who view it. 

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Gives us Welsh a great name...not !!

Back in the days of coal mining in the Welsh valleys, Merthyr Tydfil was a thriving town, it's pretty much hit rock bottom now unfortunately.

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Anyone see tonight's Skint TV program?

Council trash folk moaning about having no money and no jobs, yet they have 7 kids, smoke loads, most have pets, buy booze and most of the women are fat..

Sorry if you are truly skint then,

1 stop eating so much - food costs money

2 stop smoking- fags cost money

3 go out and try to find a job- be useful to society

4 get rid of the pet- pets cost money

God these people p**s me off


As above,plus most are covered in tattoos which arent cheap and the kids have the latest phones , games consoles and trainers

Theyre not broke,they just spend their dole money on the wrong things

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This is nothing to do with council, they are just trash, but what do you expect? Why work when the state provides so much? There needs to be a massive change in how working people view these scum. Speaking with some lefties they will tell you that these people are the product of Thatcher as she closed the mines, Blah, Blah, Blah. No they are a product of an over generous package that allows people to prosper whilst doing nothing to deserve it.

Get Job seekers, plus disability living allowance throw in the odd ADAH kid and you do fine. Top that up with the odd cash in hand and away you go.


Two years ago on the way to Florida, family on the same plane, speaking with the guy who proudly told me his whole family were on benefits, they flew premium economy!!


Something seriously wrong when they can do what they can whilst we pay for them. The program is designed to shock, it should as until we all get those in charge to wake up these scum will breed more and more will be born who have no moral compass or guidance at all as to what is good and bad

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Most of the WSSC forum members are skint as well.

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Sounds like my neighbours, as a result of my previous neighbours unfortunate death to cancer, the house fell to his children, they rented it out and let a bunch of worthless chavs move in. If they had a job, they might see why we don't want to hear "Chav Anthems 2015" through the wall at 9am on a Sunday.


You know it's bad when the teenaged mom is shouting "STOP F'ING SWEARING!!" at her kids.


I'm usually quite a tolerant person (live and let live etc), but not since our little altercation.


Having found all manner of screws and nails directly in front of my garage door since that, I have to assume they are now trying to damage the Westfield and the area is swept/cleaned before and upon returning from every blat.


They need a good dose of reality, they need to get a bl**dy job!!


People like this are just breeding the next generation of lazy good for nothings.

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Ok the balls rolling so here's my view on it, when you create a system that provides you with just enough welfare to live on and you learn how to get by on it, by paying for: cheap food, fags bought down the pub, cd's bought in the pub, no tv licence, no council tax, no rent to pay, no medicine to pay for, no dental fees to pay for, and that's just some I can name, the result will be sod work why even bother to get up when I can survive on this.

I know there are real hardships out there, most of my family have been there especially those who live in the N/East but all them at one time or another worked hard until factories closed, ship yards closed, mines closed, I have no problem with someone dipping into the kitty when they have paid their share, but for those who have not and have no intention of work and "never will" I say give them food vouchers, make sure the kids get decent meals and a decent education, and sod the rest, we need to stop people taking the @@@@ out of the hard working tax payer who fund It all.

Ok gripe over feel better now.


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Anyone seen the film Idiocracy?


Seen it? Some days I feel like i'm living in it :(

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Anyone seen the film Idiocracy?



Seen it? Some days I feel like i'm living in it :(


Most days I feel I'm living in it!

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the thing I hate is when the jobless from another area/country come into northamptonshire and take glamour of not working when there are local people who need those park benches to drink cider..... uneconomic migrants I call ....., ccomeing over here "not taking our jobs"

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Something to do with socio-economic layers they said on the box this morning. AKA scumbags and scroungers not all I may add but a good few who wear the uniform, tracky bottoms, tattoos, scabby dog complete with chain leash, baseball cap, smoke like troopers, and swear like 'em as well, kids always eating free sweat in the supermarket etc etc etc. The cash is for the people who need and deserve it, off before the rant goes off.


Bob :d

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