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convoy to stoneleigh from yorkshire down the M1 route


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Slight change for anyone joining us.

Meeting at whoolly edge at 8:00 not 7:00

Rain might have passed by then.

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428E6F17-53E9-44AA-97B4-2F5C8CF9BC5F_zpsAll ready for stoneleigh, see you at 8am Woolley edge
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Bloomin Heck.


I have not put the roof on.


I was just going to drive really fast......yes I know.... I should not have said that.

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We may see you on the way down, the northern roadsters boys and girls are meeting at Woodall 8:30-9 ish so give us a wave !!!


I've got half a roof and i'm going not afraid to use it  :getmecoat:

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Getting the car out now, putting the roof on, got a change of clothes and waterproofs ready. Think I'm going to get wet.

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On my way when Geoff arrives

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Getting the car out now, putting the roof on, got a change of clothes and waterproofs ready. Think I'm going to get wet.

Didn't get as wet as expected, only my feet really and they dried out.

Visibility was bad on the M1, but brightened up as we got to Stoneleigh and stayed good all day. Better drive home with the top off.

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Great day, very wet drive down there although I was bone dry with towels wedged down the side of the doors. Weather soon changed and we had our picnic sat outside on the car rug. B642D750-596B-4AAD-A73A-68E7EEE6D932_zps

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Can anyone spot the Red Spider??B96D50F3-8226-4649-BB24-EA109F424A08_zps

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Can anyone spot the Red Spider??B96D50F3-8226-4649-BB24-EA109F424A08_zps


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Wet, but I bet you had a good laugh about it. You haven't been Westfielding if you haven't been wet. :d

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