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Three Sisters Track Attack (Video)


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As a few will be aware, Three Sisters now run car 'trackdays' on a few dates through the year, so I went down yesterday and had a bash round. The vid is the first session I did and lets just say the setup wasn't optimal for fast lap times :laugh: was fun though! The second session was more 'controlled' but didn't get any clear track.


Next one is April 4th if anyone wants some cheeky practice before the sprint ;) All you need is your road license (both bits), MOT cert, a lid and £20 (for 10 mins).





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Haha, there were some drifters there wasting their rear tyres and dragging mud onto the track, but less said about that the better :p


Front ARB was set too soft and under-damped at the rear. Sorted for the next session, but my rear tyres got a bit mullered :(

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Great video Adam clearly speeded up !!! So I won't put mine on here...

Would be great to get more Westfields next time only Mr Tickle and myself there in the afternoon .

Paddock was a little like the Wigan version of The Fast and Furious with pies!!!!

The best fun I've had for £20 for a while...

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Paddock was a little like the Wigan version of The Fast and Furious with pies!!!!


:laugh: Couldn't have put it better! Haha!


Would be good to see your vid Paul if you took some, everyone can always learn from everyone :t-up:


Hopefully see a few more 'proper' cars there next time then, balance it out a bit :yes:

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Nice Video Adam

You can look at my Youtube video of the one lap sprint but I am on slicks

It was FTD! :yes:

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Already looked, need to find out where I can make some time up ;) cheating tyres will help I guess :d

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Love it, will try do one of these too!

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great vid!....... track looks fun! :)


Cheers - yeah it is! Nice and twisty, perfect for our cars.


Love it, will try do one of these too!


Sounds good. 4th April is the next one! If we can get about 6-8 cars we should be able to have a kit car only session. A few more of the Lancs lads should have cars taxed by then, so maybe we can make it happen...?


You should be in the Speed Series Adam.


I'm going to give a couple of rounds a bash this year, not holding out much hope of being competitive given that my car does actually get driven on the road :p but it'll be something different if nothing else :t-up:

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