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Is it a racing car ?


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Kids on our estate have refer to mine as 'the kitcar' and as of this weekend have progress to sitting in it and steering while I load and unload it from the trailer.


They are not quite as quick on getting the wheel round as me (quick rack and smaller arms) but otherwise they had no issues piloting it out of the trailer, down the road, 3 point turn, and back in to the garage.


Also eight in age.




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My neighbours kids call the westie Brum!




The missus calls it the go cart.


Ha Ha ...... when we collected our first Westy my lads christened it Brum!, from their memories when we visited the little car in 'Bourton on the Water' and so the name stuck.  That's why my Avatar is 'Brum 2013'  .... although I'm sure folks think its because I'm from Birmingham!! which I' not ;)


Oh we now have a racing car ... a westy megasport ;)

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Its only a racing car if you race it !


If anyone asks me what it is ,  I usually say its a  re- cycled Ford    :t-up:

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mine is called the mighty vidal sassoon special..... "wash and go".........

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