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Is it a racing car ?


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Saturday we had a friend of ours stay for the evening and he brought along Scarlet his 10 year old daughter who we last saw when she was about 4 years old, so we watched a movie and chatted about this and that, then it was time for bed, Sunday arrives, quick peek out the window no rain but cloud, is it worth a blat I think to myself? yep but it needs cleaning first, so with that, I inform my mate I'm off to clean the V8, Scarlet then asks if she can help? ok but there are some ground rules! the most important one being if you drop the cleaning cloth on the floor DO NOT USE IT...... I did explain why.


 With that, off she went so I pretty much left her to it. Job done, she then said, did you think I was doing it for free? ahemmmm nope I said here's some pocket money, digging deep into my pocket, oh no you don't I want to sit in the racing car and you can take me for a drive "RACING CAR" it has never been called that I thought. So cleared it with Paul, strapped her in and off we went. About half an hour later we were back home, she had the biggest grin I have ever seen on a 10 year old, enjoy that did you? yep can we go again? I love your "RACING CAR" sorry I said, bit short on fuel maybe next time eh?


Thing is, was I wrong to fib a little and let her think she really had been in a "RACING CAR" ? I don't think so, not after seeing that grin. What do you reckon folks?? should I sleep soundly in my bed at night knowing I fibbed a little?


Happy and safe blatting.



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She's right, it's a racing car.   My grandson who is 8 says mine is as well.    So there you have it, Kids know best.

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She's spot on, it's a racing car based originally and developed from a car designed by Mr Chapman, one of the Kings of racing car design and innovation. No lies involved, not even a little white one!


And yes, my nephews and nieces have always call ed mine a racing car too, from when they were little. And have done the whole angling for a ride, big silly grin thing.

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Nothing wrong about letting her think it's a racing car, I got it from the kids in my street. Took them for a quick spin, then it was the parents turn.

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Take a look at the Speed Series info and see how many Westfields have track records in sprinting and hillclimbing :-) then look at the British GT from the 80's a find the Westfield GT that competed driven by Tony LanFranchi, take a look at the Dutch Westfield Race Series, history books on the BARC Westfield Race Series that used to have very big entries in its heyday - Westfields have always been about racing especially when the company was owned by race enthusiast Chris Smith - times have changed now and the emphasis is in a different direction - however Westfields are still used to race and in competition at many circuits in the UK, Europe and Australia despite the lack of press

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About half an hour later we were back home, she had the biggest grin I have ever seen on a 10 year old, enjoy that did you? yep can we go again? I love your "RACING CAR" sorry I said, bit short on fuel maybe next time eh?


Thing is, was I wrong to fib a little...


Yes, definitely wrong to lie...you weren't low on fuel and even if you were, you could have refilled the tank! :d


As for the "racing car" bit...not guilty. :)

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Going by the number that finished the Australian GP, I think our Westfield "racing cars" would qualify as such and certainly give them a run for their money.


All you need to do is make it sound like a lawn mower on heat, have a complex steering wheel display system that tells you which gear it isn't in and preferably give it a German sounding name and you'll never again have your pride and joy described as "that thing !"  :d   

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My neighbours kids call the westie Brum!




The missus calls it the go cart.

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Why do some kids say things like that's a bad car mannnnn? when I first heard it I told her indoors, who then explained that the local lads meant that it was actually a cracking motor, or really great car, not bad as in s@@@, good  I said it saves me getting one on me and throwing some verbal towards them or even worse.


I'm so glad there are loads of "bad" cars out there especially westies.


By the way Scott I did fib a little ref the fuel!!   BAD, BAD, man, as my wife would say.

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My neighbours kids call the westie Brum!





Glad I am not alone with that one - guessing yours is yellow to?

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Why do some kids say things like that's a bad car mannnnn? when I first heard it I told her indoors, who then explained that the local lads meant that it was actually a cracking motor, or really great car, not bad as in s@@@, good  I said it saves me getting one on me and throwing some verbal towards them or even worse.


I'm so glad there are loads of "bad" cars out there especially westies.


By the way Scott I did fib a little ref the fuel!!   BAD, BAD, man, as my wife would say.


"That's sick man" always catches me the same way, even though I know what they mean, it just sounds wrong! (And makes me fell old)

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Glad I am not alone with that one - guessing yours is yellow to?


Nah mines red, still made me chuckle though :d

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It's a racing car.... and if it's a V8 and anything like mine it's a terrifying racing car......


PlaysKool are tinkering with it and trying to save me from certain death...... the corners...... oh the corners...


That reminds me..... time to book Blyton.....





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Yes my son asked me when I first built it if it was a racing car and I said yes people do race them. So lots of kids now know "my dad drives a Racing car"

They are road registered racing cars in all respects really.

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i think of mine as a racing car when im on the track with my eyes closed - on the road I just think of it as " a motor car" that allows motoring as opposed to driving... keep to B roads and A roads and enjoy the world :-) :yes:  :yes:

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