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Julie Hall - WSCC AO Representative

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Aha Geoff, that got your attention didn't it.


I just wanted to thank you for your post last Christmas about Glaisdale. We went there on Sunday having walked through Arncliffe Woods from Egton Bridge. You were right it is a lovely spot. I can recommend the Horseshoe at Egton Bridge for the best Sunday lunch ever.


What a great car club, tourist information as well as car stuff.

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Bloomin Heck.


Yes that really did.


I am so pleased you found the place.


I spend a lot of time up there in Buttercup.


Next time you are up that way, try to get to ROSEDALE CHIMNEY.


Steepest road in the UK with a couple of hairpins. great to wiz up in a Westfield.

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Funny you should say that, it was on the news tonight showing someone cycling up it, as part of a report about the Tour De Yorkshire event. I said to Glen, that's one to do in the Westfield. Have you done it? Definitely one to film, a 33% incline.

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Egton Bridge

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Steepest road in the UK with a couple of hairpins. great to wiz up in a Westfield.


Hmmm sounds good!

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Hi Julie and Rich.


Yes done it on a few occasions.


As you go up the hill about half way up on the right, there is a hidden carpark  behind a bank. Swing into there are the views of Rosedale are beautiful.


Leave the car there and follow the path to the left for two minutes and you will see the arches of the old kilns.....really impressive and you can walk for miles.


I have been behind a cyclist and watched him get from the bottom to the top. Its a remarkable climb.


There are some fast Westfield roads around there especially the one between Helmsley and Castleton. Rosedale is in the middle.

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Only an idea but would it be possible for us to compile what we think are our favourite westfield blatting routes around the country as I for one love a good Sunday run but seem to run out of ideas and take the same ones? Some of Julie's sound cracking ( living in the Peak District is a distinct advantage ) lucky so and so! I'm planning the Buttertubs pass for later in the year, I've wanted to drive this in a Westy for ages.

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You might try the next pass down the dale as well - goes from Askrigg to between Muker & Gunnerside.  Views possibly more stunning than Buttertubs.

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Maybe a good addition to the map - member locations, event locations and route maps

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Watch out for Yorkshire's events - both Yorkshire 8 and C2C cover many of these roads.


You'd all be very welcome  :)

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Please don't shoot the messenger, but...


I had a similar sort of idea when I first joined the committee as AO rep and got all the AOs' together at Stoneleigh for a meeting; my variation was having a sort of suggested routes area on the Boardoom, hoping to make it somewhere that Tyre map/routes as well as purely written routes could be added.


Some (small number) were in favour, but I was pretty much cut dead in my tracks by a majority that on no account wanted the details published. (I should add that this wasn't necessarily the feelings of the AO's themselves necessarily and they were representing the views of their local members).


Now before anyone gets the wrong idea, without fail, every single one said variations on the same thing; "If you fancy coming to explore roads in our area, just ask and we'll give you some great routes and places to visit", no hesitation at all in wanting to help.


But all those most vocally against publishing them on line had either directly or indirectly seen the problems caused for other car clubs and similar organisations when routes suddenly started becoming well known, and "worse" when runs on detailed routes were published ahead of time, and the automotive equivalent of gatecrashers started becoming problematic. There is also a feeling, (on other forums, not ours, I hasten to add), that a certain amount of monitoring of these route threads goes on with the relevant boys in blue.


So, please do ask for route ideas on the Boardroom if visiting somewhere new, maybe even pm that areas AO for advice, but if a few members would rather answer you by pm than publicly, this is perhaps why!


I should also perhaps clarify that we were discussing "good driving roads" type routes rather than merely, say, scenic routes or tourist routes...

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