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North Coast 500 aka Route66 Scottish version

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lets get this sorted and just do it , it cant be that hard to meet in inverness an head off we dont have to camp just b and b it over 3/4 days use it as a holiday , i think there would be no other road trip like it.

This is a brilliant idea! We've talked a lot about doing something like this over the years....time for action! :-D
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@Clan McWesty! We have a north Scottish run in our calendar for Sunday 24th May. Apart from a few who are venturing down to Stoneleigh, we've no other runs firmed up for May, so here's a suggestion picking up from S2T and ziplob ;)


Is there enough interest in doing this route (part or whole) over a long weekend of Friday 22nd / Saturday 23rd / Sunday 24th / Monday 25th? (The Friday and Monday being the options for the extension dependant on interest for each), If you're interested, start posting here. We may then rename this thread (if that's ok with S2T, or start a new thread concentrating on details for the trip!  :)


Obviously, this trip extends to the wider seven/kitcar fraternity! 

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I'd be up for at least part of it as I live near Inverness and I wouldn't want to miss out. Sounds like a plan!

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Would be interested but need to find out what is happening re job around that time!

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Would love to do it but not if I go to Stoneleigh this year. Applecross is only 4 weeks after it too, so brownie points are unlikely to stretch to all three.

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Hi Martin.


Its dead easy as it is about the only road there.


You really cannot go wrong on any of it.


I am not sure of the road numbers but driven it a few times now and its beautiful

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@Clan McWesty, early indications appear to suggest that this route is (1) a bit too soon to arrange route/timings/accommodation and (2) a bit close to Stoneleigh and ApplecrosS to do another long weekender!

So, as a group, let's keep this one for our next planned northern Scottish run and just stick to the Sunday this time around.

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we could do this next year and make Applecross the friday night stop over just a thought ?

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You could plan a midnight picnic to watch for the northern lights.

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Good idea Bob  - I'd vote for that.

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The Northern Lights aren't visible during the summer as it is too light up here.

For those interested the formal launch of the North Coast 500 will be at the Inverness Classic Car day. Then 10 of us head north to Wick for an overnight stop

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