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Captain Colonial

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It's so true about web site forms; I've had it a dozen or so times in the past month and it really annoys me! But more and more will only take post codes as one text string, with no spaces.

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Wrong side of the bed maybe this morning Mr Chairman. But know what you are saying there is a natural break when relaying numbers to allow transfer of numbers etc to the receiver. Some of the older members will remember the phone codes being in certain numerical blocks  which have changed as the generations moved on. Its irritating but not earth shattering. I'm bailing out there before I fall into the waste disposal unit and get edited to death. Old f*rts don't rule.


Bob :d :d

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i thought this was a car forum not school. I left there years ago.


Worse, this is the internet... much stricter at marking grammar than any teacher of languages :d


Back to the subject of the rant. In your sample of postcodes-of-questionable-formats, I suspect a reasonable number of those could be down to an end user expecting there to be some computerised process behind the scenes rather than some poor soul having to use it manually. I tend to not use a space in my postcode if I'm on a tablet/phone and I suspect there is postal address finder technology behind it all. 

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Worse, this is the internet... much stricter at marking grammar than any teacher of languages :d


Back to the subject of the rant. In your sample of postcodes-of-questionable-formats, I suspect a reasonable number of those could be down to an end user expecting there to be some computerised process behind the scenes rather than some poor soul having to use it manually. I tend to not use a space in my postcode if I'm on a tablet/phone and I suspect there is postal address finder technology behind it all. 

i would agree, i worked on a crm database where it didn't matter what format it was entered in spaces/caps etc it auto put it into caps with no spaces.

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Fixed it for you - no charge ;)


I'm happy now :):d

Lesson learned. Don't mess with the Chairman!



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As a web developer I spend a lot of time making forms and processing data collected by them.

One reason you see forms that refuse spaces in a number is that once you add a space it is no longer a number as far as the database is concerned.

Having said that, it is just lazy programming as it is easy enough to strip the spaces out if required or to store numbers as strings (that is words to you lot). But to then display a number back out again with spaces might not be easy unless the spaces follow a recognised pattern. Same with postcodes really.

Also, web addresses and file links work better (for us) without spaces as they need to get encoded, but once again it really is just laziness on the part of the coder at the end of the day.

I do get my pedant hat on when I see misplaced commas and full stops etc. Especially when it's me due to typing on a mobile or tablet!

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Too much time on your hands Scott…. :) The most annoying thing now is, people asking If you want cash back when you buy your lunch…if I wanted cash I'd go to the bank…..

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I always go back and read what I have written before posting it, as I found I was putting rubbish down at times, (yeh OK I know you all think I talk rubbish anyway) 


As Scott says and I would also confirm, it is very important for any of the key forms on here as last year I ended up giving Speed Series membership to one wife rather than the husband due to an on-line form error !!

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