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Horsepower at the Hall Sat 7th March

Julie Hall - WSCC AO Representative

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There is a brand new car/bike meet starting on the first Saturday of the month from March until September at Doddington Hall, Lincolnshire, LN6 4RU, 9am-12, next to the cafe.


I am setting off from Chesterfield at 8am next Saturday, weather permitting, anybody else fancy it?

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Thanks for the e-mail. I will try and be there on Saturday but in my VX220, as the Westie is on sorn at the moment. Hope to see you there; I only have to travel a short distance from Gainsborough.



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Hello Julie. Thanks for the e-mail. Will definitely try to be there on Saturday. Enjoy your drive! Andrew

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We are going to head to this event from Tamworth, leaving about 7.30am.


Anybody from the area want to tag along or arrange a meeting point along the way? The exact route to be agreed!



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We are coming from the north so it is difficult to meet beforehand but maybe we could go a different route home if the weather stays nice.


For anyone wanting to meet us, we will be leaving MacDonalds on Junction 30 of the M1 at 8am.


Regarding the Dunham Bridge toll, it is 40p, pay me when we are at McDonalds and I will pay once for everyone to get through, presuming it is still manned and it has not been automated. We will never reach the pay window without taking off the harness and messing about.


Regarding the event, it is FREEE! 


The roads will be a bit strange, sort of wide and straight....yawn.


It will be great to meet some of the Lincolnshire guys too, can't wait. Come on, anyone else, joining us or Martyn?


If anyone has a Westfield World please bring it along, I still have not got mine.

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Met Tricky and MattyCatty (and Donna) in his very impressive car at McD's.


Then it was off to Lincoln for some Horsepower and we were not disappointed








We were just behind the Ferraris and McLaren




Graham's car, I think, a local man.




Tom, who spoke to Glen although I managed to miss you, catch you next time.




Here we are, you can just see MartynV and Sue's car behind.




That's better.



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The RHOCAR club , what a good turn out they had too, good to catch up with you.


This beauty belonged to Nigel, another local, love the wheels.










I spoke to the owner of this Racing Puma, he is an ex-Westfield owner and is a member of Project Puma.




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I also met Andrew and his wife (locals) but don't seem to have a photo, sorry. Blue with a V8 in.


Also I met Ian, Gadget in his VX220, which is very welcome to come out with us anytime, as he explained that his Westfield is a track only job.


It was all over at 12.00 and we were still eager for that sunshine so Tricky, Martyn and Sue and Glen and I took a route home that I had sorted out. I was in unknown territory and headed for Ollerton, Edwinstowe, skirted Mansfield to Ambergate, Cromford and our very favourite Ca**ington Water for lunch. Well I didn't get lost but I think I found every red traffic light in Mansfield. I will sort a better route for next time. The sun shone and shone so Tricky and us went home through Matlock Bath, Chatsworth before finally heading off home.




Thank you to everybody who turned up today. It was fantastic to meet so many new people. I hope I have the cars and the names correct. I really hope the weather is as good next month. Well done to Ben, the organiser for making us so welcome, I think you can call that a very successful turn out.

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It was good to meet everybody and thanks for telling us the event was on. Hopefully next time will be slightly warmer! Spent the afternoon adjusting ride height as suggested by Glen and Tricky and it now feels much more comfortable (raised it from about 40mm to 150mm) Now the speed bumps will not be such a challenge. Pleased you had a good drive there and also in the afternoon.

Thanks again

Clare & Andrew

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Thanks to Julie for suggesting a run to this event and to the organisers for putting it on as there was a great turn out for a start up event. Will be worth another trip in the future!


Good run to Ca**ington Water but yes Julie the traffic lights through Mansfield were a bit of a drag but the rest of the journey was good as the sun was very warm in the clear blue sky. After a good lunch and great conversation we headed home through Ashbourne and along the A515, turning off at the A513 and back to Tamworth.


We covered approximately 175 miles in total!


Martyn & Sue

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Ok, this is doing my head in...  Ca**ington Water...  Why the ** ?!?!  What is it supposed to say?   ???

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Well last summer seems so distant now, but yesterday was hopefully the start of things to come?

Met some new faces and some old, great to get together again!

Here's a few of my pictures.













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