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Peak District Possibility

Julie Hall - WSCC AO Representative

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I am getting up tomorrow morning (Sunday 1st March) and if the weather is good and the roads are reasonably dry I am going for it. PM me or post on here if you want to join me, I will check the website before I leave.


Meeting place and route to suit who, if anyone, turns up.


Leaving Chesterfield approx 10 am and heading west.

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Sun is shining and the roads are dry, yeah, that's me out then. Rain/sleet/snow by 2pm so it's only a quickie.

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Its a shame we don't live closer.


I am wizzing out this morning and hoping to get in 100-150 miles and the sun is shining.

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Morning Julie,


We are just getting ready to go out but it may be a bit late to join you so have a good day!

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So it is the usual Sunday evening Jackanory time from Julie, we went to Monsal Head (let 2 cyclists out of the junction, remember this for later) and thought 'where does the road go if you drive down to the base of the viaduct?'. With no convoy behind me off I went. It is not a road for a busy summer Sunday, put it this way when I reached the 30 mph zone I was doing 20 mph. It went by Cressbrook and it soon widened out and went past a lovely village called Litton and spit me out back on the road I came in on. A good circle though but only to be repeated on a winters day with a small convoy.




We went back past Monsal Head and onto our favourite cafe in Monyash. We plonked down in front of the fire and started rattling to 2 cyclists....you guessed it....the same cyclists that we saw at Monsal Head.


The clouds were building but it looked nicer further south so off we went through Bakewell and on to Matlock, waved to a red seven style car, up the Via Gellia road (we were feeling brave as the sky had cleared again) and went to our new cafe. It is a caravan site (sorry Top Gear fans) but the owner has a kit car under wraps next to the nice on-site cafe, which is next to the on-site pub. It's on my list anyway. It is called Rivendale and it is near Biggin. 


With more clouds building and we felt that we had pushed our luck we shot off home after a little pose through a very busy Matlock Bath. We were home at 1pm and it chucked it down by 2pm, good job I wore my lucky pants  :d




MartynV, I am coming to Ashbourne for a meet in the very near future, I hope we can catch up with you then and perhaps you won't have such a massive journey first. We may pick up some other Westy's from the midlands-y area too.


Buttercup - I did 100 miles today, hope you managed something similar, I bet you did!  Good lad.


That's all folks


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I had a couple of hours out today, headed to York via Boston Spa and Tadcaster, then on to Selby and home just before the rain started at 2 o'clock. A coffee and Alan Partridge, Alpha Papa to warm me up.

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Hi Julie, glad you had a good day.



MartynV, I am coming to Ashbourne for a meet in the very near future, I hope we can catch up with you then and perhaps you won't have such a massive journey first. We may pick up some other Westy's from the midlands-y area too.


Let us know about Ashbourne as thats a good meeting point for us. I'll try and rustle up a few other Westy's from this area too.


We had an enjoyable day out too, taking in the sights around Cannock Chase. We headed out to Lichfield and on to Rugeley, Milford Common/Shugborough and across to Penkridge. We then headed back across the Chase via Hednesford going on some very narrow lanes around Cannock Wood and Gentleshaw with a brief stop at Castle Ring. We stopped for a brew at the station cafe on the Chasewater Light Railway to watch the steam trains for a while but it was at this point that it started raining. Fortunately it was a short run of about 30 mins to get home.


The sun came out again later and we were about set off for the Black Country Area meeting but the heavens opened again as I picked up the keys to the garage……tin top it was then!!!!


See you soon!

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              let me know when you are off out again,good chance of me meeting up with you.I am in Telford,so not too far away.



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Looks like we all had a good day on Sunday. We also went out, but I chickened out, full weather gear on as it was pouring down when we set off. Believe it or not, it wasn't my idea but Vicki's. I couldn't believe it. We ended up at Tong garden centre near Bradford for a wander and a brew. Hope to see you all soon.

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