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I won an award at BLiNK at the weekend


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"Worst aligned Westfield they have had through the door in as long as they could remember". Just look at the toe in on the left rear!!!!!


Genuine thanks to Fraser and Rich at BLiNK, it was a much more enjoyable drive back!



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Bud how long have you been driving the car prior to correction?

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Wow, just wow!

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Lol, that would have felt like a totally new car driving back!


Money on Geo set up is so well spent  ;)

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Bud how long have you been driving the car prior to correction?


About 3 months, had to do some engine work which took me longer than I'd like...


Wow, a serious geo tweak there, must have been a revelation!


Night and day!!!


Wow, just wow!


I know, its an amazing difference, WAY more effective than some new tyres / m16 to 4 pot calipers / anything else of the same value!

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I Know I can sound like a broken record at times when it comes to recommending getting the geo done properly on our cars; but it does amaze me what people put up with, assuming, I guess, that kit cars are just "like that!"



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great news - a car should go where its pointed and having all the wheels aligned is a good start..... keeps me on track when i close my eyes....



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Mine was that bad when I bought it, 2 deg front toe etc etc, front wayyy up in the air etc drove like a turd  :laugh:   but knew it was fixable with some spannering.


Nice one for Blink :yes:

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