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i hate reporters

John Williams (Panda) - Joint Manchester AO

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Article http://www.msn.com/en-gb/foodanddrink/foodnews/national-pub-of-the-year-2015-the-salutation-inn-wins-prestigious-award/ar-BBhGawF?ocid=iehp


"Peter Tiley, a former business analyst, quit his “five-figure salary job” in the capital, so he and his wife Claire could take over The Salutation Inn."


call me stupid but isn't the minimum wage a 5 figure salary!

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£10,000 pa is not a lot :laugh:

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"They have hit the ground running and taken what was already a great pub and made it truly exceptional – beating off over 50,000 other landlords from across the UK,” she said.


That must have taken a while.  Does he have a RSI?  Was he sponsored by Kleenex?



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Over many years of meeting press guys and giving them information about the business I was involved with, I found that they never got it 100% right and they so often got it fundementally wrong. To the extent that when the BBC called asking to so a feature I told them to get lost.

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After train crashes at Hatfield,  Potters Bar and Great Heck, like Nick I was invited to go on TV to record my views on track and Rail safety as an experienced consultant. I also refused as previous experience told me that only the bits that were contentious would be screened and not a balanced picture. Only bad news is good news !

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