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Hello from Luxembourg


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My name is Patrick 43 years, from Luxembourg, and of course an "England" Fan. The country, the cars, everything is special in England. So, now I've bought my second Westfield, my first one was a 91 SEIW with a 2.0 pinto, sold it, to buy something more "economic". I've bought a 2004 SEIW with a 1.8 Zetec on a MBE967 ECU.

I know that the car came straight from England to Germany, so I'm looking to find the previous owner on this forum.

His name is Robert Smith from Shirley Birmingham. If somebody knows him, it would be great to come in touch with him.

Just to have some more infos about the car.

That's it for the moment,




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:ww:  Patrick.        I don't know Robert Smith but you do have another Westfield owner near you in  Luxembourg, named Jos.   No doubt he'll be on here soon.

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Welcome Patrick!


I think I know who you mean, (after a quick search back-office). He's no longer a member now, and was last on the forum in July of 2014.


Obviously, I can't give you his details but I can forward your contact details on to the last email address we have for him if you'd like?



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I did meet Robert three or four times and what a nice guy he's a driving instructor in Solihull Birmingham. Not sure he would be able to help you much regarding the car as he didn't build it as and think In the time he had just drove the car but it was a nice car he had I did have his phone number and will see if I still have it


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Hi everyone,

If I can have an email adress of Robert Smith that would be nice, he can help me to find the previous owner, who I think must be the builder.

His name must be Mr. Jones, but I don't know further....

I'm looking also for the wiring diagram of the Mbe967 from the car.



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Petzzi,might be an idea to contact Adrian at Toybox Cars,he is the person who actually sold the car,not PistonHeads.He should still have details of the person that he bought the car from.

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Hi Monitorlizard,

Yes, I know, but I tried to contact Toybox several times to buy the car directly from him. I never get an answer from them, after I found an advertise in Germany, so I bought the car in Germany. Dave Eastwood wrote that he have the email adress from Robert Smith, so I'm waiting.



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Patrick, I can't give you his email address, I was waiting for you to confirm you were OK with me giving him your email address. That way he can get in touch with you, if he wishes to.  :yes: 

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No problem Patrick, I've emailed him for you; hope you get some more history for your car :yes::d

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