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Your Samsung TV Is Listening To You


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That is dreadful, if it is true. But if it is, then who does it transmit my conversations to? Oh, my TV is Panasonic, but then it might apply to those as well?

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I've a Samsung, they'll soon get fed up listening to me and the Mrs arguing, shouting at the dog and lots of farting and snoring!

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Ime concerned by this

I was having a right go at a lowlife on Jeremy kyle earlier

Dyou think he heard me

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That's nothing.  As you've signed up to be a club member, we can read your minds every time you log on.


Frankly, it's scary and a bit disgusting.


It's also 100% predictable. :d

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Its like all of this snooping, its worse than looking for a needle in a haystack.  They really don't have enough people to listen in to everybody's TV, because they're already listening in to everybody's computer, so the terrorists, drug dealers and bankers are winning :d

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Its like all of this snooping, its worse than looking for a needle in a haystack.  They really don't have enough people to listen in to everybody's TV, because they're already listening in to everybody's computer, so the terrorists, drug dealers and bankers are winning :d

So which of those 3 vocations do you think my grandson should persue  ?  ( thinking of his future job pospects )  :)

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Terrorists don't make any money and blow themselves up. Not a good career path.

Drug dealers make lots of money and only go to jail if they aren't very bright. Sounding better.

Bankers make lots of money and don't go to jail whatever they do. I think we have a winner!


So which of those 3 vocations do you think my grandson should persue  ?  ( thinking of his future job pospects )  :)

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Apparently your Samsung TV captures and transmits any speech it hears from it's built-in microphone.




Not only is your Samsung TV listening to everything you say, it is also silently judging you and gossiping about you with the other internet connected appliances in your home.

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