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New to Westfields..help please


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Hi everyone,

Hi everyone,

Picked up my first Westfield, a seiw 2.0 zetec blacktop three weeks ago, it was built in 2011 with the factory doing some of the work on wiring, suspension, brakes and getting it road registered.

It only had 350 miles on the clock and even with the weather we've have it's been great fun so far but having driven about 80 miles today I noticed a little oil around the spark plugs and in the channel where they sit. I know know pretty much nothing about engines and think this may be a gasket problem which seems strange though on a brand new engine.

Any advice/comments would be greatly appreciated,



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Do you mean where the leads sit or down where the plugs go into the head ?

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It was on the flat surface where the plugs are, I haven't taken the plug covers off yet to see if there is any oil under or around them.


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Hi Di Hi Pete,


Good to see you active on the roads this winter, keep it up.   Tis a common problem with oil in the plug holes mate, just sloppy filling into the filler cap or the gasket gone tits up.


Clean out the oil with paper towel or rags, check the cam cover nuts are the requriide torque. If the problem persists change the gasket.

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I use wd40 to keep the engine clean a down side to that is a bit of wd40 may collect under the plastic cover by the HT leads

Also you can get water around the plugs if you use a hose to clean the engine down on zetecs then I have had a misfire afterwards till soaked away with loads of tissues

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Vasaline is good to put on the leads where they sit in the head - put some in the hole that the plug goes into too

Keeps moisture out and stops them holding onto the plug that tight you destroy it removing it

I remember ford recommending something similar to stop them arcing aswell

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Thanks, I have cleaned it up and will see how it goes. I took the leads out and there was no sign of oil so perhaps it was filling issue.


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Hi Pete


Welcome to the club. I see you are on the edge of the Peak District and you are a winter driver, great. You are very welcome to come to my monthly meet which is on the 3rd Sunday of the month i.e. next Sunday. Although we meet right over in the North East of the Peak District we always head west, often ending up over Buxton/Cat&Fiddle way. 


Hope to see you and that beautiful looking car some time.



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Hi Julie,

Thanks for the welcome, can't make the meet this Sunday but will definitely meet up with you soon when your over towards Buxton/Cat and Fiddle.


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