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Chevy PT Cruiser Wanted

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No - I have not lost my marbles - I am looking for a PT Cruiser up to the value of about £1500.00


I am not bothered about the model / spec or colour - petrol or diesel, although my ideal colour would be purple. (Yes - Purple!)  :oops:


I would prefer an automatic - but not with over 80k on the clock.


REASON - I am going to "wrap" the car for promotional purposes for my business - hence the desire to get hold of something "a little different".


If you know of one - please give me a call anytime on 07949 036911


Many thanks.


I had a PT Crusier in inferno red on the very first day they were released in the country. It was an absolute show stopper at the time and got so much attention at the time. Bit embarrassing to say I had one now but actually had 3.

This is why I am after one - I want people to look at it (for the reasons you state or otherwise) not bothered as long as they look!!!

I was thinking of a merc a class - but the PT is just more striking!


One ending on ebay in an hour and its at 720.00


Pretty sure it's a Chrysler, not a Chevy, o Esteemed Retired One of Diminished Marble Capacity  :p  :laugh:  :t-up: 


Pretty sure it's a Chrysler, not a Chevy, o Esteemed Retired One of Diminished Marble Capacity  :p  :laugh:  :t-up:

Yep - you are right. This is why you are the esteemed chairman now and I am confined to pipe and slippers.

Still want a purple one - whatever the hell it is called!!


I have this image Mr Blobby for some reason.


purple throbber Mk II :yes:  :d


The girls in the office had already come up with that nick name! 


As for Mr Blobby - that cap pretty much fits anyway.


I want a purple one (steady Mrs) coz this is our corporate colour scheme - and would look good when it is wrapped.......


would look good when it is wrapped.......

Wrapped around a lamppost it would look good...


How about one of these?





Top one - love it - what the hell is it?


Second one - too expensive


Third one - difficult to find a good one


I know the PT is not the usual choice of many - but there are a lot of good examples out there for not a lot of money........ particularly in purple!!!


The s-cargo made to look like an old Citroen. Clever.

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