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Insurance claims experience - A-Plan & Flux


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My first westfield policy was with Flux I was with them for 3 years but I had a bad experience with them which only came to light after I had renewed my policy . It was only after I renewed that I got told I had exceeded the previous years limited mileage amount , although I had only exceeded it by a few miles they charged my a/c with an extra £70 pounds plus admin charges (can't remember the exact amount )  . When I protested that the charge was way out of proportion to the cost of the policy I was told there was no option but to pay up , the only alternative was to cancel the policy but they did not do refunds on kit car policies . After that I went with Footman James and had no problems except the cost of the policy went up and up . Phoned A PLan and got a quote almost 1/ 2 of what I had been paying with FJ for years . Just renewed with A Plan , same cost and conditions as last year , very pleased so far . 


A Plan tell me if I ever go over the mileage and have to make a claim the excess will increase to £500 but no other penalties otherwise . obviously it is up to you to keep a check on mileage .



There used to be quite a long  thread on here regarding concerns over  Flux insurance , try doing a search  :t-up:


Agreed cheaper isn't always better 

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A Plan tell me if I ever go over the mileage and have to make a claim the excess will increase to £500 but no other penalties otherwise . obviously it is up to you to keep a check on mileage .

This may depend on the underwriter.  Having just taken out a policy today with Highway via Aplan it was explained to me that if I go over the limited mileage my policy cover would reduce (to 3rd pty, fire & theft I think - I didn't listen closely enough to that bit :blush: ) but no mention of excess increase.


Of course they can extend your cover if you let them know, but at a price.

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I've increased my mileage with A Plan in the past - realised I had a good amount of time left for the policy to run, but was down to a few hundred miles or so. Rang up, knocked it up to the next mileage band; I can't remember just what I paid, but it was very reasonable, no problems with A Plan being tricky/awkward/not wanting to do it either. Just a quick bit of admin - that's when they explained about the different mileage bands and how they only went up so far before it was no longer considered limited mileage.

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Thanks all, going to call A Plan and ask about a Highway policy, being realistic they should be able to come close to Flux on an identical product, unless Flux were discounting to a loss situation to win new business.

Thing is A Plan have everything to lose - they insure my road car which is for renewal soon, and come March we'll have a third car to insure too. Taking into account their recent service I was reluctant to go with A Plan again, possibly got unlucky with who I spoke to given the experience of others.

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One thing I should mention, with A Plan, it's important to call the right place! They have more than one office, but it's one particular office that deals with Kits.

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Was Thatcham, their new business team for the kit cars was excellent when set it up last year, the renewal guys this year ok, this was the same office but the calls were for road car mid-term adjustments - assume it's a different team?

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My "ordinary" car is insured through my local A-Plan.  They were very helpful when the car was damaged, and made things much easier as they understood what all the issues were.  Highly recommended.



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I deal with the Chelmsford office and they arranged my kit car and home insurances.   Don't think it makes any difference with branch you deal with.

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A Plan have instructed us all as club members to deal through one office, so that they can make sure that the people with the right experience  and knowledge handle it and that we get the right club discounts. Other office may be hit or miss, plus I guess it disrupt their normal work if they're having to work out how to do the specialist stuff.

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Contact details for Clair and her team at Thatcham, here

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My only comment would be regarding Markerstudy, I've used Keith Michaels for a couple of years to insure some motorcycles, there is always a note on all letters 'n' stuff you get from regarding European cover that says you have to give Markerstudy at least 14 days notice of overseas use, so watch out for that little pitfall.



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