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No Electric


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Wimin Huh!   Came home from a hard days slog at work and the wife and daughter are having a shouting match, the electric supply has gone awol.   The connectors at the back of the house were sparking away so the wife decided to put it out by ------------------------------------------------------



























putting the hose pipe on it :bangshead: .   Even more sparks were flying. 

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And what did you say.............."never mind love, don't worry, go sit down whilst I sort it................

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I imagine some choice words were exchanged..  remember though Bernie, you're a team and there are certain emergancies that you wouldn't know how to react to.  Such as an un-ironed shirt for example!

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It's back on now, two wonderful contract engineers from Hertford came along and fixed it.    I think the Wimin were in a panic because they were going to a Wimin only Birthday party and couldn't have their showers, wouldn't bother me.

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It's back on now, two wonderful contract engineers from Hertford came along and fixed it.    I think the Wimin were in a panic because they were going to a Wimin only Birthday party and couldn't have their showers, wouldn't bother me.


Thats because you're dirty and we all know it. :p

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Sparking supply?! Have you been tapping into the neighbours again, Bernie...

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Sparking supply?! Have you been tapping into the neighbours again, Bernie...

It's the same problem as we have in BT, jointing aluminium wire to copper, just won't last however you do it.

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Could have been far worse, your mrs getting an electric shock from the water conducting the electrics, glad she's ok. Just another one of lifes woes, hope it gets sorted fast.


Bob :(

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That's what all the shouting was about between the wimin.  My daughter is far too practical and knows the dangers of electric and water not going together, I taught her :)

The wife did say later in her defence, she thought some fireworks were hitting the house ???

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