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Sun 11th Jan Peak District Run Out PICS ADDED

Julie Hall - WSCC AO Representative

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Meet 10.30am at The Strines for a 'make it up as we go along' run out. I will alter the route to suit who turns up and what the weather is actually like on the day.


Who is coming along?

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Hi Julie & Glen, Liz & I will not be able to make this one  :( . Hope you all have a good time.

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Hi Julie and Glen

We can't make it as well as Andrew has revision and there's a weather warning out for our area so good luck :)


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Engine and gearbox still out so I will not be able to make it.

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Hi everyone, happy new year to you all. I can't make this weekend as I'm working in Surrey. I will keep an eye out and hopefully tag along next time.


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OK so this weekend is not meant to be by the looks of it. It just leaves us and Tricky on a dodgy weather forecast. Thanks to everyone for letting me know, it's much appreciated.


It is the WSCC Area Organisers meeting next Sunday (18th) so I definitely won't be organising a run out then. That puts us on Sunday 25th January. 


I will do a new post nearer the time.


Cheers everyone.

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It was just us then today. We went to Matlock Bath first to have a look at the bikers. The little kids there just loved my car, lots of laughs and waves.






Then we went to the ice cream farm called Matlock Meadows to see if it is worth a visit later in the year. I would say it is, there is lots of parking with outdoor seating in the cafe area. The cafe was very well heated so you dare even have an ice cream without becoming freezing. It's on the list.


Then we went to Monsal Head for the views over the viaduct.






A man we met there told us we had just missed the A380 Airbus flying over quite low. The largest commercial airliner.





Then we drove back home through Bakewell where a man in a black Ferrari waved. People look at me in a funny way when I tell them what car I drive, I sit back, smile, think of the kids faces in Matlock and wonder how else do you get a stranger in a Ferrari to wave at you. I won't be changing my car for a few years yet.


Oh and no, we were not cold. Glen simply put his new Dickie's suit on and I put the entire contents of my wardrobe (minus the party frock and stilettos) on.

Great days out guaranteed in a Westfield.

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Glen simply put his new Dickie's suit on 


We need all the pics please Julie  :laugh:

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Sneak a peek at the Dickies suit, top right hand corner of the third picture, Marcus.

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Well done J & G wish we could have been there but it wasn't to be :-(

Barry and the hair.

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Spent Sunday on getting the car running and sorting out wiring stuff, so another step closer to being able to join you for a run out!

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Well done Julie :t-up:


Keep organising and people will follow :t-up:

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Well done Julie :t-up:


Keep organising and people will follow :t-up:


Yep, it's a tricky time of year for runs out, with people SORN'ing and weather worries, but it's true, keep at it and people will come!

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I wish you were nearer to Scarborough as I would come every other weekend instead of Billy no mates stuck on his own.

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