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I built mine outside.


Trump that!

Someone else built mine  :p

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If you haven't considered it already you can ask Westfield to keep hold of the bodywork until you're ready for it. Saves a lot of space while building in a single garage.

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Just give them plenty of notice of when you want the bodywork (6-8 weeks prior) as the company that makes it seems to be quite slow.

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 Any good tips


Get a half decent compressor and an air riveter - although many have done so, hand riveting 100's (maybe 1000's?) of rivets is literally a pain! (well, it was painful having to hand rivet the dozen or so I couldn't do with the air tool anyway - although I do have a pinned wrist which might explain my "big-girls-blouse-ness").


Review other's build diaries - Dave Eastwood's in particular is full of useful info from someone who clearly knows what they are doing.

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rolling chassis table is a must in a single garage I would say , just make sure you have some brakes on the wheels .


I have a double garage and have mine on 4 wheel trolleys and its great to be able to just push it side ways to work on .


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Get a half decent compressor and an air riveter - although many have done so, hand riveting 100's (maybe 1000's?) of rivets is literally a pain! (well, it was painful having to hand rivet the dozen or so I couldn't do with the air tool anyway - although I do have a pinned wrist which might explain my "big-girls-blouse-ness").


Review other's build diaries - Dave Eastwood's in particular is full of useful info from someone who clearly knows what they are doing.


When I ordered mine I had Westfield powdercoat and fix the panels (with black rivets).  They also fixed the brake and fuel lines.  Both jobs are tedious and IMO a bit of an  :arse: - much better to start with the chassis up on stands and ready for the suspension!

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When building ours in a single garage, we hung the main tub from a couple of straps just below the ceiling - nice a safe until it was required.

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I put mine on a site box with wheels.



If you are in a single garage then trying to get down each side is difficult.

I never rolled it out the garage but getting to each side is easy with wheels


Oh and  :ww:

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I have just got my car on the floor built mine on a fixed stand never had any problems also in a single garage just make it a nice height to work on and enjoy it

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Lots of good advice - Thank you.


I have already arranged to collect my bodywork etc. at a later date and have paid for the brake and fuel lines to be fitted in the factory.



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Literally got mine down of the stands earlier this evening and built in my very cluttered single garage.

Loving the build and looking forward to driving it!

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Good luck with the build, really enjoyed mine. If you haven't already done so, there is now an excellent build manual available to download. (See link above)

Second the suggestion of a compressor and rivet gun!


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