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Auto Sport show - any good

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A mate of mine is badgering me to go but ime not convinced

Is it a case of seen one - seen them all

Anyone been to previous shows ?

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Yes, and I should think lots of the WSCC members have!

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Was going to go - but for £32 + booking fees and £10 parking for companies to try and sell me stuff I'm not convinced! Was going to go Sunday. If it was £20-£25 and free parking I'd go again.

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Not sure Steve but hope so as I'm going up on Saturday with Russ, Mart, Glutey and poss some others! Got a long shopping list.......uh oh!

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I'm going Saturday but I'm annoyed at the price

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I took my son last year, was OK, expensive day when you include parking. Live action arena was ...well ... predictable but loud and a chuckle. I got the feeling the best days were the trade days with more trade stands etc. It's good to get up close to the cars and some of the personalities. Really enjoyed Martin Brundle doing his Q&A but I don't think he's there this year.


I enjoyed the auction stand to be honest, some wonderful cars going under the hammer.


I managed to get some bits and pieces, cheaper than eBay, so not all doom and gloom - I'm off there on Saturday, only live 20mins away so be daft not to - I have a small shopping list ..... 

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It has gotten expensive in the last couple years, parking charge, entrance to the show and the Live Arena has an extra charge on top of that.    I would go if I had a decent shopping list but I haven't this year.

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Had planned on going this year, but suspect I'll give it a miss, (prefer going on a trade day when the interesting stuff is open) but weekend is going to be the only choice this year...


I can be a bit same old, same old, if you're just going for a wander, but if you go with a plan, for specific stuff you want to see, or a shopping list, it can be really good.


It does work out a dear old day though, even without buying things from stands!

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Shopping list ready, rail ticket bought, roll on the weekend  :)

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going Thursday :t-up:

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I much prefer race retro, how the autosport show was originally.

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