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Merry Christmas to one and all!

Captain Colonial

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I'm likely to be very busy indeed in the next few days, so just a quick post to wish each and every one of you a very merry Christmas and a happy holiday season - here's hoping Santa brings you everything you wished for! :xmas:


He already brought us our best Christmas gift ever - my grandson came back safe and well from 15 months in the Far East and Australia early and in time for the holidays.  I knew about this back in August but worked with him to surprise his mum and Lady Chair, bringing him back unannounced from the airport a few nights ago to cries of delight and lots of water works all around.  So the family back together for the big day, a new job, a delightful new puppy, and everyone basically happy, solvent and well... what could be better or more important? :t-up:


It makes me realise just how lucky I am, especially when I see those who are less fortunate on every day, not just Christmas.


I will be raising a glass to all of you and wishing you well, and also to our absent and much missed friends and loved ones who will always have a place at our tables and in our hearts.


Merry Christmas to you all :yes::xmas:

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Same to you and yours Scott and all members where ever they may be.


I've got my son working on the same rig as me on the other side of the world so it will be a working Xmas with a difference for sure after 35 yrs and a fair few Christmas's missed !


Have a safe,prosperous and Happy New Year to all 

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Thanks for your good wishes Scott and I hope everyone enjoys a terrific Christmas and a great Westfield New Year!


This Christmas will be only the second family Christmas I have had for the past 42 years and so it will be a very special one indeed.


Cheers Everyone,


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Thanks for the good wishes Scott and wish you all the best for 2015…I think we are all really lucky as some folk don't really have a lot to look forward to at Xmas time or any other time of the year.


Where possible, I like to help people out when I can as you never know when you might need someone's help.

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You too Scott and a Happy New Year to one and all in the WSCC and after 16 years of membership it's still a great club!


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