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CAMBS - ACE CAFE Sun 11th Jan - date change - Breakfast Meeting

Cleggy the Spyder Man

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  • Cleggy the Spyder Man


  • Andy Banks


  • housebeautician


  • RichieF


1. Clark (Cleggy) - not sure of mode of transport but unlikely to be the westfield given the time of year

2. Andy (Andacami) - ditto

3. Tony HB

4/5. Paul and Lindy

6/7 Russ and partner

8. Dave

9. Richie F

10. David


This Sunday chaps - looking forwards to seeing you all


Is there anymore?

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Ok and just to confirm modes of transport...


1. Clark (Cleggy) - TVR if the weather is reasonable (not icy or peeing it down)

2. Andy (Andacami) - ditto

3. Tony HB (will be jumping in with me or Dave)

4/5. Paul and Lindy (Paul in the Clio 182 and Lindy in the BRM)

6/7 Russ and partner (? ? ?)

8. Dave (Corsa VXR - yes I have told him we are not going to McDonalds)

9. Richie F (? ? ?)

10. David (? ? ?)


So not much in the way of Westfields from us Cambs lot but an hour and a half on the A1 this time of year in the Westfield does not appeal :t-up::blush::d

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I'll be in the westie. 


(so doubt the current Mrs H will attend)

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1. Clark (Cleggy) - TVR if the weather is reasonable (not icy or peeing it down)

2. Andy (Andacami)

3. Tony HB (will be jumping in with me or Dave)

4/5. Paul and Lindy (Paul in the Clio 182 and Lindy in the BRM)

6/7 Russ and partner (Westfield - top man :t-up: )

8. Dave (Corsa VXR - yes I have told him we are not going to McDonalds)

9. Richie F (? ? ?)

10. David (? ? ?)

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Andy unfortunately is unable to make it :(

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Any more takers? :t-up:

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Andy unfortunately is unable to make it :(

Hey :down:


I'm still coming, I think...? And what's more, if the sun is shinning I'll be in the Westfield. What have I missed... :suspect:

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Hey :down:


I'm still coming, I think...? And what's more, if the sun is shinning I'll be in the Westfield. What have I missed... :suspect:

Sorry Andy - I thought you had text me to say you couldn't make it - I did get a text from Andy to say they couldn't make it, it just wasn't you :-) - must take more time rather than reading on the fly

Sorry m8 - look forwards to seeing you Sunday

We likely to get parked in the Ace or you reckon it will be on the road parking?

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Likely in the Ace unless there is anything else going on. I'll have a quick look...


Hmmm... it's Bike Day from 09:00 so unlikely to get parked up. However, to the very left of the entrance as you look at the Ace there is often some parking, we may be able to squash ourselves together there. If there is an event, there will be some marshals who will advise, perhaps if we all say we have a booking - with who Clark? - we could grab a little spot somewhere, especially as we will be away early and it's unlikely to be full of bikes much before 11:00. Other thing to consider if it does get busy is the ability to extract ourselves.


If all else fails parking on street is OK but there are bus stops to add to the mix, again the marshals will advise...


If I can, I'll head over early doors and see what can be done - espech if I know who you booked with.

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Booked under my name and westfield sports car club Andy - top man :-)

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Good stuff chaps - looking forwards to seeing you all


Tony - will pick you up on the way :t-up:

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