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CAMBS - Evening meeting Weds 10th of December

Cleggy the Spyder Man

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As usual chaps at the old ferry boat at Holywel near St Ives from 7pm



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Pub in located here https://www.google.co.uk/maps/place/Old+Ferry+Boat/@52.317373,-0.031782,15z/data=!4m2!3m1!1s0x0:0xbef79e6da9b1108d?sa=X&ei=_5mFVID0J4OsU5-mg5gH&ved=0CI4BEPwSKAAwCg


Paul is coming to show us his new boy racer car :oops::p


and I have a video that my Dad took when I was building my Striker 24 years ago - you can have a laugh at my expense :laugh:

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Paul is coming to show us his new boy racer car :oops::p



I believe Dave is lending him his baseball cap, with instructions on how not to wear it  ;)  :p

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Do you have a good laptop m8 with DVDs drive?

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Dont think i will make it this month i have another car meeting to go to and no its not at McDonald's before you start Tony :d  :p


Unfortunately due to circumstances not car related this one is more important......Cant remember if i mentioned David but he passed away last week :down:  :down:  

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