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Really........... Never seen this before

Tom Frankland (T3OMF)

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Haha. There's another video that goes with it which is more interesting, think Jeremy Kyle...! I'll try and find the link...


Here we go:


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Think it was something to do with the Clio Cup car overtaking people on the inside on a corner at 2:05 on that in car video - look in  the rear facing screen. Not good at all!!!

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bl**** chavs. Why can't they "settle the score" with a game of Canasta?

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Think it was something to do with the Clio Cup car overtaking people on the inside on a corner at 2:05 on that in car video - look in  the rear facing screen. Not good at all!!!

tbh i skipped though it so didn't see exactly where the clio overtook the bmw just he got past.


was it an standard open pit lane track day with overtaking rules? if it was then going past like you said is not acceptable no matter who is at the wheel. its crap like that makes an enjoyable day turn sour.

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I think the Clio Cup driver was quite entertaining on the corners.   As for arguing after---------------yeh, Jeremy Kyle style.

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I just saw two drivers overtaking on corners and under braking zones. Would hate to be on track with either of them.

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Just the sort of behaviour which puts people off track days. Had to make a minor complaint myself the weekend before last. If I had slid at all in the greasy condtions I would have taken out the kn*b who was overtaking me on a bend when the organisers very clearly stated no overtaking except on the straights. You try and be patient but the children just can't behave themselves.


Bob :(

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I don't think I've been to a track day that hasn't had at least one A*** on track. Shame that video doesn't show what actually happened.

I'll admit I've pulled to odd manoeuvre in the past at Castle Combe action days that I shouldn't have when I've been frustrated by cars that were faster on the straights (than my old BMW). Some chump in a Ferrari decided he was going to take me on the outside at Quarry too. I stuck to the racing line and he enjoyed completing his overtake on the grass.

The guy that has p******** me off most is probably the old guy in the yellow Westfield that clipped Dommo last year at Abingdon (was it?). Not even a hint of an apology. In fact I think he thought Dom should be grateful it wasn't worse.

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I don't think I've been to a track day that hasn't had at least one A*** on track. Shame that video doesn't show what actually happened.

I think it does - go to 2mins 5secs on the video and look at the rear facing footage. The Clio Cup does some silly overtaking on the Civic. The feud is between the Clio driver and the Civic driver. I'd be pretty mad if the Clio driver had done that to me too!

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Where was the start of the no overtaking zone there? Looked like they were side by side for a while presumably due to the car in front. Still a bit silly and pointless on a track day. The Civic looked like it was about to fall off the track when the BMw caught it too. Viscious lift-off oversteer in those cars.

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