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Donnington _ what's spectating like?

Onliest Smeg David

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Next year I'm taking my Dad to see British Super Bikes. He's not been to a bike race for 60ish years!

Options logistically will be Donington or Outon Park. I know Oulton. But...

What is it like for spectating at Donnington for a not so nimble on his feet older person?

Also what are the hospitality suites / grandstands like (including view of track)?


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IMHO Oulton is a better spectator circuit. Good viewing at Druids or up clay hill. If you want good racing,spectating and a friendly pit go to the Gold Cup meeting at Olivers Mount in Scarborough in September, a lot of the TT boys are there and always willing to stop for a chat.

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Yep - viewing is good at Oulton, been there several times to watch BTCC


Unless anyone has any contraviews of Donnington then it'll be Outlon.

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There must be others with a 'view' !

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It's not bad, best place I reckon would be where you can see down Craners and through Old Hairpin, second would be Redgate (first corner) as there are a few moves there.

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I personally prefer spectating at Donington.


Outside of the track past redgate and half way down Craners p you can see most of the circuit from there.


Oulton is a much prettier circuit that is better presented though,



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Oulton is a much prettier circuit that is better presented though,




Pretty it may be.. but boy do they love their fences! Some of it is like a maze. It would be so much better if you could simply walk around the circuit veiwing as you go without coming up against stalag luft 13 type fencing. I once got myself on the inside of druids and needed a sat nav to find my way out! :down:

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