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OT - insuring a second car


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I'm about to buy the good lady a second car. It won't replace her current vehicle, (4 x 4, which we need to keep anyway, as it tows the trailer around :) ) but will be used for a bit of fun at weekends and whenever she fancies it.


Can someone advise how the insurance side of things will work?


.Would it be best to contact her existing insurer and see what they can offer? Or is it usually best to shop around, which is what we normally do and potentially end up with two separate policies.


Could her full no claims bonus be taken in to account on the second policy, (subject to proof of no claims I would imagine), as well as her current one, or can it only be used on one policy? (Could work out expensive if so)







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You can't use your NCD on a second policy, but a lot of insurers will mirror it.


I'd try current insurer, plus specialists like A-Plan, Brentacre, etc, see what works out best. We (my wife and I) got a great deal from Brentacre on a second vehicle when most others wouldn't touch her (so to speak!) due to age and lack of RWD experience.

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^^ wot he said. yrs ago me and the ex had a small fleet and we found that often several well chosen policies was better than a multicar policy but i guess that will depend on area etc. shop about and always ask.

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No claims can only be used on one car - which annoys me as is basically signifies less risk and a cheaper premium, yet claims (which suggest more risk and a higher premium) will affect every policy you have.

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I ended up using one of the comparison sites (was cheaper than a specialist) to start a fresh policy.

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shop around!!  nothing like a captive audience to hike up the price .. try A plan they have done me proud on the westfield and both my and my wifes tintops .. and as others have said try the comparison sites -- be careful that you are getting like for like cover and then use that price to suggest your current insurer might like to meet that price .. if not be prepared to walk (even cancelling your current policy and taking that too)

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NCB is effectively fictitious, made up by insurance companies. If you approach an insurance company with a brain, like A plan, they "match" the NCB (if they want your business) on any cars you have, so long as you don't have high risk children driving them to / from their first jobs and generally take the mickey in bending the rules. I've got a Boxster, a Golf GTi and the Westfield which A plan will do a good deal for the 3 of them as they are for different purposes. I wont be using the Boxster for commuting, that's the Golf's job and both the Boxster and the Westie will only be limited miles....

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Sadly (and surprisingly), when I tried A Plan, they came in at three times the price for my most recent addition.


Oddly they were able to add the wife to the Westie for less than a tenner, but when asked for quotes on Cerberas and Tuscans either couldn't quote for or doubled the premium to add her (can't remember which way they went for each car).


I'll try them again next year though as they mentioned that the panel of insurers they use were just wary of my wife's relative lack of experience in cars without the modern safety net (although not sure why that impacted TVRs but not the Westie as the latter has a higher bhp/ton!).

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A plan couldn't help me for the z4 either but they did look into it and have been brilliant for the westy so all is good there. Just put it down to not being their market or something like that

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Did you buy a TVR then ? I almost have several times.....


Yes - wanted something that I could use more easily on those days when the weather looked a bit iffy (aeroscreen fail!) and the truck was impractical/too slow. 


I eventually got it down to a SL AMG (which I very nearly bought), Cerb, and Tuscan.  Suffered from a last minute change of heart and decided that, if I didn't buy a Cerb then I probably never would... I've yet to have a day when I've wished that I'd bought the AMG but have had many when I've kicked myself for my stupidity (not having bought a Cerb sooner!  :d).  It does like a drink though...


Only drawback is that I've not solved for the lack of convertible which was one of the objectives I set out with!

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how are you finding the cerb v8, i read alot about them needing to be constantly tuned. have always fancied one of those myself as they look and sound an epic car

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I have the cerb engine in my westfield :-) and its fine. Just needs the tappets adjusting every 12k. Its an expensive job but engine is sound and strong. Goes quite well too....

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how are you finding the cerb v8, i read alot about them needing to be constantly tuned. have always fancied one of those myself as they look and sound an epic car


I love it.  It demands respect but it is a phenomenal car - the performance is proper laugh out loud fast (bear in mind my Westie is Cosworth powered) when you want it to be, but equally well behaved when you're not out for a serious drive (albeit it still growls menacingly).


I took a while to find a good one but the one I bought is a facelift version with some strong links to to the factory.  It's done some miles (and I am racking them on at a good rate - no idea how people have these and do 3k pa!) but doesn't look/feel the age it is.


My boys love it too.  Only drawback is that my youngest (2 1/2) wants "faster" (or after a trip through the airport tunnels "again!")  :t-up: .  Not sure that "a pre-schooler told me to do it" would be an acceptable defence in front of wife/magistrate!  :d


The established wisdom seems to be that if you allow £3k pa to keep on the road then you won't go far wrong.   I look at what I've lost in depreciation on run of the mill cars in the past and it seems like a bargain.  Worst case, if I run out of money, is that a kidney has got to go for a few quid even if semi-pickled! 


Seems to be socially acceptable too: people let you out of junctions and my neighbours still speak to me (just), however the US colleague I picked up from the airport is suddenly much quieter about how fast his BMW is! (so that's a win too  :laugh:)  

 I'll be honest, part of me was nervous about getting one as I've wanted one ever since they made their debut and was worried about being disappointed.  Nobody mentioned that they feed crack cocaine through the aircon to get you addicted.  Of course there's the odd niggle (and based on how much I'm spending the fuel economy can't be great unless there's a hole in the tank) but nothing major and they're easy to forgive.


Prices seem to be rising so worth scratching the itch joining the ranks of addicts sooner rather than later.

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