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diesel ruling in EU court


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i read this and it makes me wonder why is this just a problem for our country surely it affects all of the EU zone. Cant really see how the govt can force a manufacturer to do something without that manufacturor saying stuff that and reducing its availability here. will be glad to be corrected on this view as i dont know enough about it.


i do like to comment about designing comunities with easy to reach shops..... thats all well and good a decent (not tesco) shop nearby to me but as i wont be able to drive to work ill have naff all cash to spend there!

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Colour me unsurprised.  You should see the havoc behind the scenes right now with lorries registered after 29 October having to have Euro 6 engines and the cost implications.  And if you mount a body on a chassis as my employers do, every time you have a slight variation you have to put the vehicle through an IVA the first time that variation is produced... which is almost every time.  They add thousands to the cost of every lorry, whether it's delivering food, fuel, clothing, whatever or taking away your rubbish at curbside - and we all pay for it.


My diesel company car has a turbo, stop/start technology, a CO2 rating of 99 and gets about 64mpg on the motorway - imagine that about 20 years ago and they'd have laughed at you.  But hey, let's go after the big bad diesels instead of improving the transport network with the 80% tax on fuel where less than 20% on that tax actually goes back on transport.



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Isn't the claimed issue with diesels the particulates and No / NO2 not CO2

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The particulates emitted are way down on what they used to be, thanks to self-cleaning heated filters and Ad Blue - the engine emissions are actually a tiny fraction of what they were 15 years ago.

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i have wondered recently what newer lorries push out. during summer i used to drive to and from work with the top down loads and getting stuck up the side of new lorries was really bad. the worse offenders were the new  trucks that transport the Fords from speke. i must have just hit on the time they depart in the mornings and getting stuck up along side them was a nightmare. a sort of benzine type smell. at least the old diesels were jsut a bit smokey. i tend to avoid them now and just go a bit slower so people cut infront of me and fill up the gap

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I wonder in vegi oil produces these harmful partials

Dunno but i ran an old disco on used veggie oil and it smelt of doughnuts :)

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I still thing it's a green fuel and should reduce my road tax. its a renewable fuel and the co2 produced surely must be offset against the co2 used and oxygen produced by growing the crops.

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Well all have adblue tanks soon, I did work on a new CLS320 cdi last week and it had an adblue tank in the boot which only requires refilling every 15000 miles.

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^^ Basically shoves deionised water and urea down your exhaust pipe, to apparently eliminate harmful exhaust gas particles.

Personally i'd have called it pisswater, but hey :)


Seeing as how deionised water is effectively a solvent and forms carbonic acid when exposed to air, it's going to come as good news to exhaust fitters/manufacturers.

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Blame the tree huggers for this. They lobbied and got manufacturers to develop diesel as their view was petrol was the drink of the devil and diesel was made by angels. Then a new set of tree huggers show that children were getting sick from the soot that was now being belched out at low level.

They lobbied again and we had lowering of emissions leading to DPF to catch the soot, but then cars don't run so they come up with a wheeze to burn the captured soot out of the DPF in one go into the air.

So when that has failed they lobbied so now we need to produce chemicals to inject into the exhaust to try to stop the soot, but guess what they still don't work.

So the VM have wasted years chasing the diesel dream when if they have concentrated on lean burn petrol engines the progress would be better.

But wait, the problem is now, so the solution is to come up with a system that we cannot reach so they fine us. The pollution is still there but at least the EU gets shed loads of money from us as we will stump up.

At the same time the big industrial scale polluters can offset there carbon by paying for homes to have insulation fitted free.

The subject of emissons and climate change are the "kings new clothes" of the new age. Those like Al Gore who make billions from it keep shouting and ridicule anyone who dares to question it or worse making people like David Bellamy unemployable by the BBC as he did not tow the line.

Many people can see the ugly sight unfold but because the money keeps churning in no one is allowed to have a platform to speak.

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I still thing it's a green fuel and should reduce my road tax. its a renewable fuel and the co2 produced surely must be offset against the co2 used and oxygen produced by growing the crops.


Can of worms there!


Should a food crop be used to feed people or power their vehicles?  Guess what'll happen when growers decide they'll do what is the most economically attractive for them...

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