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The winner of the Reward My Partner Contest is...

Captain Colonial

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...actually winners, as in plural! :suspect:


As you will recall from this thread, we wanted to hear your stories and reward your partner for all the sacrifices they make to allow you to play with your Westfield.


We received a number of entries into the contest with some very interesting and illuminating tales indeed.  Frankly, it's a miracle some of you still have partners! :laugh:


Lady Chairman, who judged the contest, is a doctor of psychiatry and found the email entries fascinating from a professional viewpoint.  In a few of the cases, it would appear that, although the Westfield owner hasn't quite gotten the hint yet, the partners are very happy indeed to get them out of the house on a regular basis!


(Lady Chairman would also like to offer her professional psychiatric services to members and their partners at a special club member hourly rate, as she believes a number of you desperately need it and that this would keep her busy for several years to come. :t-up: )


Anyway, after going through all the entries, Lady Chairman and I could not separate and choose a winner from the very different final two, so as club funds are in a sufficiently robust state, we took the coward's way, copped out and decided to award two prizes. :cool:


So the winners are...


Ruth Reid, super hero partner to Tim Reid and their two children; and...


Monica Hepworth, long-suffering partner of Martin Hepworth


Their stories are as follows:


"Westfield Owner: Tim Reid

Victim: Ruth Reid

Scene of crime: Reading, Bershire


When I saw the committee’s suggestion to reward the partners of the club I thought it was a great suggestion. Sometimes we might feel restricted on time or money but the truth in many cases is that we wouldn’t have the opportunity to enjoy our cars as much as we do if it wasn’t for our partners. Maybe it’s because they contribute towards household bills which then frees up some of your money for the Westfield or maybe it’s because they washed up dinner freeing up your time to get out for a blat before the sun goes down.


I’m writing to tell you about someone who has been super human in her support of my Westfield obsession. Ruth Reid. Before I explain the super human comment I need to take you back 7 years to when I first purchased my Westfield. As a newly wed couple in our first owned house we had plans to start a family. I suggested purchasing a Westfield, having a bit of fun in the sun, just the two of us for two years. I agreed that after this time I would sell the car, partly to fund a family and partly as we expected there would be no spare time for this kind of hobby.


We had a great first year of ownership many Sunday drives and even a week long trip to Cornwall which my good lady wife managed to pack not only a full weeks clothes but also the required beauty kit required for a relatives wedding on the second weekend! The second year of ownership was a little different to what we had intended, firstly we decided to start a family a little sooner but continue keeping the Westfield “until we really need the money” or “until we stop using it”. Then 7 months into pregnancy I blew the engine on a track day. I have previously written about the process which followed but at 39 weeks pregnant (out of 40 for those that didn’t pay attention in biology) eight Westfield members spent a day at my house changing my engine for a new crate motor. My wife not only agreed to the time and money but also made the biggest pile of bacon sandwiches I have ever seen in my life to keep the working team fuelled up. We made huge progress but there were a few more jobs to get the car running again. Here comes the super human bit... The following weekend I connected up the carbs and exhaust which breathed life back into the Westfield. I was so pleased to have by baby back and before the noisy one arrived! Well, it was that night at 2am that Ruth’s waters broke. I honestly think that she was holding on so I could finish the car.


Another 2 years later we decided to have another baby and I admitted that with two children we would be at the point of needing the money and have no spare time. Well in another year we decided to move house and I was sure that we would need the money and less spare time as the new house needed a lot of work. Well, that was nearly three years ago and I’m still indulging in my Westfield obsession. Maybe not as often as I used to but I still get time out during the day at least once a month to fulfil my role as an Area Organiser and many, many evenings to tinker/upgrade or go out blatting.


Ruth has never asked me to sell the car, rarely questioned the boxes of new parts, helped when I needed a second pair of hands, taken on additional household or family duties so that I have some free time. I cannot thank her enough.

As a volunteer for the club this takes extra time to speak to new members, organise and communicate events so I hope you can also join me in thanking the wonderful Mrs Reid."






We’ve been married for 48 years and all of that time I’ve been involved in Motor Sport as a spectator, Marshall, Mechanic and finally as a competitor in the Westfield Speed Series.  I think Monica deserves a Spa day treat for the following reasons:


  • Because in over 90 Speed Series events she has missed being with me on just Four  occasions.
  • For being my race day mechanic, helper, confidant and occasional sports psychiatrist!
  • For all the Sunday morning lie ins missed.
  • For all the cold wet days standing around waiting.
  • For all the indifferent B & Bs she been subjected to.
  • For the two occasions when I’ve given her a real fright, including the trip to A & E.
  • For the hours spent in the garage helping fit or remove an engine.
  • For always encouraging and never complaining.
  • Most of all for never questioning the cost when perhaps I should be building the retirement fund.


At age 70 I’m considering ending or at least considerably reducing my sprinting and the Westfield will go so a Spa day would be fitting reward for her long term involvement in the Club and the Speed Series.


I’ve dragged her off to my Spa (Belgium) around a dozen times so it would be nice for her to go to her type of Spa."


Two different stories, but I think you can now see why we found it impossible to say which had more merit. :t-up:


So congratulations and well done to Ruth and Monica, who will be receiving vouchers for a day of well-earned and richly deserved pampering at spas local to themselves, and thanks to Tim and Martin for sharing their stories.


Thanks must also go to the others that entered the contest including:


> James Alexander

> John Williams

> Simon Rossinelli

> Pete Goulding

> Pete Wilson

> Kelly Sands


who all love their partners and are equally as appreciative and grateful as the winners to have them in their lives.


We salute and thank all the partners in our lives, without whom we could not enjoy our Westfields as well. :t-up:

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Thank you, my wife is very pleased to have won. It reminds me of all the great things she does and how I should remember to appreciate her (not just through competitions!)

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