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The B Road Special, Peak District, Sun 9th Nov.

Julie Hall - WSCC AO Representative

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Meeting at The Strines Inn 10.30am. I have a great route planned that keeps us off the big roads and takes us to Ilam. We will have lunch at a walkers/cylists snack shack on the Tissington Trail before heading back via Matlock Bath and past Chatsworth House. A little diversion up Curbar Gap, Owler Bar and dropping back into Hathersage and The Strines Inn.


All welcome. We just need to work out how to silence Barry at 11 o clock.

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Gimme a bacon buttie, that'll keep me quiet :d


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Only if it's with extra salt mmmmmm!

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Quick, fetch the Betablockers and Statins for afters.


I have been on some of the roads today and you will defo be washing your cars on Monday, cow poo everywhere! The views are just stunning, Glen was driving and I got a good look at them, oh amazing. Also I might change where we do lunch, on the Via Gellia road there is a cafe with a big heater and it does super high cholesterol breakfasts all day.


Is it Sunday yet?

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Hi Julie


"Glen"  and "was driving" in the same sentence. Never thought I'd hear that one :p


PS thanks for adding the man food stop

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I have to keep the HWMBO happy, we were in his car I hasten to add, good job because it did rain at the end.

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It was good to have Andrew back with us this week, keep doing the homework lad, it all leads to buying your first kit. So it was just us and the Tuono Mk1 and Mk2 this week, but what a day. The sun has shone all day and the roads were empty, back home in the pitch black after 145 miles.


Actually I have a confession to make, this run was more of an Unclassified Road Special as the roads were not even B roads. After a minutes silence we set off through Bradwell, Tideswell to Longnor and down the Crowdecote road. Past Hulme End and on to Ilam, a gorgeous quaint Swiss style village. It was up over the hill near Thorpe Cloud to enter the even more beautiful village of Tissington where Barry and Andrew were accosted by a quacking duck.




Tissington Hall


The snack shack was closed despite there being lots of walkers and cyclists passing along the Tissington Trail, so the thirsty travellers pressed on towards the Via Gellia road. We had lunch at The Woodside Cafe, a sort of greasy spoon caravan for bikers just outside Matlock Bath. I say lunch, Barry had a breakfast that would kill a normal man, the MEGA I think it was called.




The Woodside Cafe.


After loosening the harnesses we set of through Matlock Bath, hoping the pedestrian crossings were on red so we could go slow, and yes they were as we waited right next to a parked ARIEL ATOM, oh wow. On through Matlock, past Chatsworth House with its gold mullions catching the afternoon sun, past the deer and up a busy Curbar Gap to Owler Bar (the funny roundabout Andrew) and back to the Strines.


We took the unusual step of sitting inside, next to the real fire, and ended up setting off a bit late in near darkness.




More 'Display That Dirt' than 'Show and Shine'. Thanks to Barry and Andrew for joining us on a very enjoyable day and thank you for your kind comments regarding my new position as AO. 

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Hi Julie and Glen

The breakfast still hasn't worn off yet and that black pudding was the nicest I've ever had. Good to see you got a picture of my cardboard and duct tape thermostat housing for all the Tech heads on here but at least it kept my engine at 80 deg and more importantly my heater working.

Not sure about the Atom, I think it might have been one of the MEV variants but I didn't pay too much notice.

Anyway thanks again for a cracking day out.


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Hi Julie, congratulations on becoming AO for the Peak District. Unfortunately my car has been off the road for the last few weeks but looking forward to joining you soon. Best regards to Glen.

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Aha, we wondered where you two have been. We will be heading over to Glossop again soon because we need to check out the bikers pub - The Last Orders. Look forward to seeing you soon.

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Hi Julie Congrats on becoming an AO that's great news  :t-up:  :yes:  :cool:

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Nice one Julie on becoming AO, hopefully I will not be working when you come to Glossop

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Don't worry, I can engineer it so both you and bioman are available. I have so many places on my list that we need to go to, I can shuffle dates about to accommodate people.


Top 2 places on my list at the moment are Ca**ington Water (because Guy Martin was there on his hovercraft) and Rudyard Lake (because Top Gear were there in their amphibious vehicles).....I could go on 

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Hi Julie and Glen

Another nice stop you'll enjoy is Hollingworth Lake in the summer. I'm sure that Steve (pre lit) probably knows the best way to get there from the Strines but it's a lovely location and there's a good pub where you can get food, drinks and ice creams from.


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