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Aberdeenshire folk - favour...


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Hi guys,


Looking to get back in to a Westfield over winter.


Previous car with aeroscreen etc was fantastic but was kind of in no mans land in terms of spec as was without correct gearing and cage for track but didn't have the option of being able to nip out with my son in the passenger seat on a nice sunny day.  This has left me in a bit of a pickle regarding my impending purchase...full on race car for the road or more road friendly car that I can still enjoy on track.


Now that my son is a little bigger I reckon he will be fine in an aeroscreen car as he will have a helmet for his quad that he can use (full cage would be a must though!)


However, before I opt for a full on race car with mot I'd like to try out some more road friendly cars (ie. with screen and doors).  I would still be looking for all the right bits underneath as will still sprint the car but liking the idea of something a little more user friendly and the wife is more likely to join in the fun with a screen and doors.


Are there any runs planned in the Aberdeen area soon that I could maybe blag a passenger ride in as I've never actually been out in a westy with screen and doors!


Alternatively, if its ok for me to pop by for a look at anyone's car and have a seat to try for size etc with a screen that would be hugely appreciated.





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Or my Seight! Unfortunately not in Aberdeen either but if ever in Glasgow...

There are a few Westy guys in the N.E and I am sure one will be along soon.

Also try the Scottish Kit Car Club. SKCC.

Happy hunting!

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Thanks guys.

My mum actually stays in Hamilton but not sure if we're planning a trip down any time soon. Would happily travel a bit to try out cars though as want to get it 'right'

Figured getting a seat in as many cars as possible would help make sure I know for sure the exact spec I'm after.

Seight is actually something I'm intrigued by...yellow one currently for sale with a YouTube video certainly looks fun!

Not heard of that Scottish kit car forum so will check that out - thanks.



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Spoke to a chap just found the corner from my house the other day who has screen and wind deflectors so hoping to get out for a spin in it once he gets his cylinder head back on.



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Hi Dave

I live in Aberdeen city and you are more than welcome to come and have a look at my Westy with aeroscreen although over the winter I am going to put full glass screen on it !

Campbell from Blackburn has a Westy with windscreen and I am sure will reply to your thread shortly

Regards William

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If you are down in Central Scotland, you're welcome to try mine too. It's an ex-hillclimb car, now with windscreen/doors etc. and an RAC bar. Alastair (Prisoner) and I live close to each other, so you could do both at the same time.



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I thought I saw you at Boyndie....considering sprinting/hill climbing too?

I was indeed there for a nosey! Didn't see you mate.

Yeah, planning on doing some sprints. Just need to decide the exact direction I want to go in with the car first.



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I have been meaning to visit the Fennel in Iverurie, I have heard there are 7 style cars at that infrequently.




* Kames Sprint track is doing a Test day on the 26th (East Ayrshire), transport from Linlithgow available.


* Possible Knockhill track day on Sat 18th, don't know who is going yet.


The 26th I am going (unless Matt organises a trip to Westfield open day) to attend I I want to test the latest Sylva mods for Hill Climbs etc.

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Hi Dave,


Good to hear you're planning another car.


You're welcome to try mine too if you're ever this far north.



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Dave it just so happens my friend has bought a second Westfield and will be selling the "old" one, its a SEIW 2.0 zetec silver top with bike carbs and putting out approx 195 at the fly wheel. 2001 year, full screen, doors(I think) not sure about a roof. I'll speak to him and see what he has in mind as for price if your interested. Pity I never noticed this earlier went to Fennels on Sunday you could have seen it and had a run in that or mine. I'm away Sunday (work) if the weather stops bl***y raining we could meet up in mine.




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Hi Dave,

Good to hear you're planning another car.

You're welcome to try mine too if you're ever this far north.


Cheers Doug,

Yours is actually the first that got me thinking about a car with windscreen all that time ago at golspie!

Had an s2000 for just over a year (only sold it a few weeks ago) to try a 'normal' car and the result is I think a westfield with screen etc could be the perfect compromise. Although I still want something silly fast that I can do the odd sprint in!

Was at golspie last month in the s2000 before I sold it...never thought, should've given you a shout.



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Dave it just so happens my friend has bought a second Westfield and will be selling the "old" one, its a SEIW 2.0 zetec silver top with bike carbs and putting out approx 195 at the fly wheel. 2001 year, full screen, doors(I think) not sure about a roof. I'll speak to him and see what he has in mind as for price if your interested. Pity I never noticed this earlier went to Fennels on Sunday you could have seen it and had a run in that or mine. I'm away Sunday (work) if the weather stops bl***y raining we could meet up in mine.


Cheers Campbell,

Thought I saw your car on the fennel facebook page alongside a rather nice looking yellow westy.

That would be cool to get a nosey at your car.I'll even shout the bacon butty!



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