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Oops, Clarkson's done it again


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This is probably rather unfair given the makeup of their so-called forces during the war. However the rest, particularly 2. are on the money. The Falkland Islands are a very convenient for any Argentinian government to focus attention away from other issues. I truely hope I never see us give them a single cm of land there.

The Ground forces were a mixture of Regulars and a huge amount of conscripts. Once the Harriers got there the Air force did not come out too much as they were no match and I seem to recall that after the Belgrano was sunk the Navy stayed home as well.

I read a book which basically said if the ground troops had put up a fight we would probably had a good chance of not winning as the loss of life would have been so high we could not have had enough troops to carry on.

I in no way wanted to besmirch the people who died on both sides.

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When you consider the damage their cobbled together air force did to our ships then a bit of respect is warranted remember the Sheffield, Antelope, Sir Galahad etc. Some of the planes had missiles basically strapped onto them Pucaras I believe. The exocets did the rest. I can understand the Argentinians upset about having the situation rammed down there necks, as it was and will remain an emotive subject although highlighted above by political issues. More than a little insensitive by whoever authorised it. I'm sure there are many subjects we would become a bit miffed about should they be improperly lampooned. I would like to be a fly on the wall should Simon Weston be in the same room as JC. One step too far I would suggest. I can fully recall  the announcement made, what was said and where I was etc when the war started and I would think that a lot or Argentinian families who suffered greater losses than us would also remember. Not TGs greatest moments and whilst understanding some of the feelings of the Argentinians have absolutely no sympathy for the way we eventually won the day, great respect to our troops yet again. Its coincidentally just been discussed on the Andrew Marr show, they glossed over it.



Bob :d

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The plate was changed onto the Porsche in May 2001, so wasn't recently changed by TG.


They must have spotted the link though...

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Publicity is viewers, JCs on a final warning but I'm sure his popularity will overcome any faux pas made even though probably very deliberately.


Bob :d :d

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When you consider the damage their cobbled together air force did to our ships then a bit of respect is warranted remember the Sheffield, Antelope, Sir Galahad etc. Some of the planes had missiles basically strapped onto them Pucaras I believe. The exocets did the rest. I can understand the Argentinians upset about having the situation rammed down there necks, as it was and will remain an emotive subject although highlighted above by political issues. More than a little insensitive by whoever authorised it. I'm sure there are many subjects we would become a bit miffed about should they be improperly lampooned. I would like to be a fly on the wall should Simon Weston be in the same room as JC. One step too far I would suggest. I can fully recall  the announcement made, what was said and where I was etc when the war started and I would think that a lot or Argentinian families who suffered greater losses than us would also remember. Not TGs greatest moments and whilst understanding some of the feelings of the Argentinians have absolutely no sympathy for the way we eventually won the day, great respect to our troops yet again. Its coincidentally just been discussed on the Andrew Marr show, they glossed over it.



Bob :d


Their Skyhawks with old fashioned iron bombs did a lot of damage to our ships in San Carlos Water.  Those that were there thought they were almost suicidally brave in delivering the bombs.  

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exactly the point, the Argentinians emotions would not forget what happened as much as we shouldn't. Probably fortunate that it didn't create a diplomatic incident as one of there female politicians is particularly vocal against us lot.


Bob :)

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