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Blat Chat Gone

Pistol Pete

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Interesting to see the fall out and issues to the replacement of Blatchat, compared to our response to the same process.






I think it's a credit to our committee (at the time), techinical bods involved and the general membership that we celebrated moving forward.


So glad I own a Westfield and am a member of the WSCC :)

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well they havnt sorted their swart filters out yet... plenty of nunnys and noonoos and the like..... :d  anyone actually used the new one like to make comment on what they think? why is it so bad


i never used blatchat and i don't get why everyone raved about it, the times i did go there i found the way it was one huge body of 70's esque text to be a bit like a certain 7 type car... oldschool in a new dress.


having had a very quick look aound the site it seem nice and light/airy and easy to read??

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Well said Pete, there was a lot of heartache and hard work done in the background to get this forum right and as you say it's nice to see it working well.


Hopefully Lotus 7 club will get sorted soon, it does look very white and clean, but having said that personally I found Blatchat a bit hard on the eye IMHO.

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I found Blatchat a bit hard on the eye IMHO.


Nick you old f*rt, you only had to click the 'In the office' option at the top of the front page and it went to a grey display instead of the bright yellow so your boss didn't realise you were on BC instead of working :t-up:  :d

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Well you learn something new everyday Pete. Now where is my abacus ?   :d  :d  :d  :d

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Nick you old f*rt, you only had to click the 'In the office' option at the top of the front page and it went to a grey display instead of the bright yellow so your boss didn't realise you were on BC instead of working :t-up:  :d


Not had much interaction with Nick, but suspect he does spend much time looking over his shoulder to check what he is doing on his computer...but yes office mode was very helpful for the rest of us.

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Not had much interaction with Nick, but suspect he does spend much time looking over his shoulder to check what he is doing on his computer...but yes office mode was very helpful for the rest of us.


I bet Luke knew about Office mode but didn't tell his Dad so he wouldn't realise Luke was browsing BC instead of selling PlaysKool stuff   ;)  :d

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The technical stuff is regarded as a treasure trove of valuable data that has financial worth to the club.

(Though I don't personally agree with "members only-ing"it either.)

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The technical stuff is regarded as a treasure trove of valuable data that has financial worth to the club.

(Though I don't personally agree with "members only-ing"it either.)


What is the 'financial worth' ??  What do they lose by sharing it ??  The only "worth" that I can see is that it allows members only to diy rather than trot along to their local specialist.

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The 'financial worth' is that it demonstrates value and gives people a reason to join the club.  If the information they need is free, that is one less reason to spend money to join.


Interestingly, the poster in the first link stated that Technical Talk was "the crown jewel", but was in favour of giving it away for free - baffling.  It either has a value or it doesn't have a value.  It's like calling your plumber on a toll-free number and expecting him to give you free step-by-step advice on how to fix your shower.


They'll probably do what we do at some point, go for the middle ground and allow Guests to read only, but not to ask questions.


I'm sure they'll weather the storm and reach a happy balance - good luck to them.  Change is sometimes necessary, occasionally difficult, and not universally loved, but sometimes they must be taken to survive.  I wish them well. :)

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It's like calling your plumber on a toll-free number and expecting him to give you free step-by-step advice on how to fix your shower.


They'll probably do what we do at some point, go for the middle ground and allow Guests to read only, but not to ask questions.



That's how the Boardroom works isn't it ??


The middle ground is where they were a week ago!


I wish them well too  :)

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I'm sure they will sort it all out and its a change that had to come.... It interesting seeing how the same issues that WSCC commitee have to wrestle with come up. Albeit and many may disagree, I think we manged the changes better, slower and more incrementally.


You always have to remeber with these things that people feel so strongly and act so wawardly because they have such passion for the product / brand / website or whatever. That passion is a good thing - In my opinion it would always be much more bad thing if you made a major change ano no one commented either way. That would mean no one cared and therefore your not relevant.


Personally I always thing you need to set a small bar for people to step over into making the plunge to a sale, hence trial membership here etc.

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Interestingly, the poster in the first link stated that Technical Talk was "the crown jewel", but was in favour of giving it away for free - baffling.


baffling ?


a jewel is only a beautiful thing (and hence valuable ?)  if gazed upon and admired.

lock it in a dark box and its just a lump of chemical composition.

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