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Vintage Festival of Light, Ashover Showground, Derbyshire.4th&5th Oct

Julie Hall - WSCC AO Representative

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Vintage vehicles, models and bygones, bikes and trikes and a whole lot more on this weekend. The organiser advertises for interesting/custom vehicles regardless of age. That's one Westfield going then. Anyone else coming?


I am going on the day that is the better weather, meeting at MacDonalds Chesterfield S40 2ED at 11am. Or open to other suggestions.

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Update - there will now be 3 Westfields and we are all going on the Sunday.


Everyone welcome to join us.

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Change of plan. Better weather than previously forecast so now meeting at the Strines Inn 10 am for a run through the Peak District first.

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Hi Julie

I thought it was 10.30????

Don't forget your earplugs :p

Barry and Andrew

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Great day, thanks for arranging the meet Julie. Think Freya has made lots of new friends today too. I'll try and put some pics on in a bit.

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Big thank you to Tricky for coming along even though he felt quite ill and was white as a sheet. Great to see Rickyboy and his very cute daughter Freya, I was so pleased when I rounded the corner to the Strines Inn and the first thing I saw was a yellow nose cone, thanks for dividing the family on a Sunday and coming (thanks Vicky).


And the best for last, Barry and Andrew, snigger, who got stuck behind 20-30 vintage tractors, snigger and arrived a little flustered, we didn't laugh much. Best thing was the tractors went past us as we sat outside the Strines Inn and we caught them up later on, but managed to largely avoid a second passing.


A warm, sunny drive through the Peak District, thanks Tricky for suggesting a route, and we arrived at Ashover. A big smile at the guys on the gate and we were in exhibiting, no problem. A wander around the cars and stalls and a good deafening from the V12 Rolls Royce Spitfire engine. About 2.30pm we all set off back in the direction of Chesterfield, with Tricky and Rickyboy heading off home and Barry and Andrew coming to ours for a brew. As it was still sunny we both drove back through the Peak District, back to the Strines Inn and had more coffee together. We were rewarded with some friends of Barry's turning up who had bought their Mk1 MX5 out.


Thanks all for coming. Pictures/videos to follow.

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Meeting at the Strines.



One of the exhibits




At Ashover















We are going to have to be very inventive for next weekends outing. All the car shows have finished and we might have to make it up as we go along.

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Barry and Andrew at The Strines Inn.



The thunderous noise of a V12, compete with that Barry.

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Hi Julie and Glen

Was that thunderous noise the noise of the Spitfire engine or the noise from the lady who'd just gone in the toilet behind us when the Spitfire engine started up? :)

Thanks for being great Derbyshire tour guides and giving us a fabulous day out.

If Martin gets to read this I'm voting for you to lead the Derbyshire 8 next year.


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