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jeff oakley

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Well I suppose if you live in a nice house you can expect a break in but yesterday was our turn. Completely smashed the patio door with a huge rock which travelled the length of the room smashing the wall 20 foot away.


They or he then ran upstairs and ransacked the bedroom stealing watches, jewellery and on the way out stole my company lap top and the back up hard drive. 


Police were brilliant, CSI first to arrive and spent almost two hours doing the usual, but they were wearing gloves, as they do now. Followed by two other officers who took details and went around asking question. Hopefully something will turn up.


We live next to a lake with loads of people about and several of the fishermen heard the alarm go off but did not call anyone when it did, this was 1.00pm approx.


Could have been much worse as my garage was untouched!!

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It must make you very angry, it would if it were my house. I'm sorry to hear about it Jeff. It's an invasion of your very personal space and I would cheerfully throttle anyone I caught doing it.  :swear:

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Happened to me last year but not as bad as your experience, the wife scared them off.  Don't count on anything being returned I'm afraid.

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Sorry to hear that Jeff, hope you get things sorted and it doesn't have a last effect.

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Jeff sorry to hear the news

Hope they catch them and then hope they get what they deserve

I've seen to much of this and the mess that's left behind when locksmithing :(

Your alarm probably saved you from a longer visit if that's of any consolation

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Sorry to read the news... The current underclass have no respect for people or property...

Chin up for the next few weeks, whilst it is sorted out.

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The police are well on the case and are following a promising lead, but it does make me wonder why we have alarms. The one neighbour who was in heard the alarm but as he was making Pizza, he did nothing!! He has now sent an email around the area asking "what should the protercol be if we hear an alarm going"?

Jez I am struggling to contain myself on this special sort of question.

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Jeff,  been there and got the T-shirt... hopefully they will catch them and get some form of prosecution.


i'd like to feed people like that through my wood chipper feet first.....

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Well an update.

As I said the police were following up a lead, it was one I gave them. After the burglary I cleaned up and then went on the local stolen goods forum (gumtree) and then ebay more in hope and something to do. So you can imagine how surprised I was to see two of my watches in the six watch case for sale at a Bristol pawn brokers. As one of these was a limited edition of just 200 and they had helpfully photographed the serial number of the one I had it was an easy

I called the police again who came out and checked the serial numbers and this morning they have seized the goods and following that arrested a girl who sold them to the shop. So unless she is built like a Russian shot putter I suspect she was not the one who broke in, but it is a start.

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What a fantastic result, hopefully it will lead further..,

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