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Lancashire Area Meeting

Steve (stevel)

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Lancashire Area Meeting at the Green Man at Inglewhite on Wednesday 17th September at 7.30 pm

All welcome  :t-up:  :t-up:


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See you there providing the weather stays decent!

We are in lancashire Adam, anything could happen !

Should be there work permitting.....

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Ok Daves on an early one from rammy and Wayne and I are meeting at Pilsworth at 6.30, see ya later :t-up:

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Top meeting ..thanks to all another impressive meet and turnout 16 Westfield's  2 Locost  and a Fury .. :yes:  :yes:  :yes: and a good promotional photo for the Green Man, we had a good look at Wayne's  (Wshep) new motor  :yes:  :yes:  :yes: and Paul Hurdsey managed the trip  before his next mission  :d  :d ..Hope you got home ok Bernie (Pistonbroke)

 What a pleasant evening for September  we all stood outside like a summers evening




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Great run out and brilliant turn out Steve  :yes:  :yes:  :yes:


Yet another chance to get to terms with the new Sport 2000S  :t-up:  :t-up:  :db-westy:

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 and Paul Hurdsey managed the trip  before his next mission  :d  :d ..



Shhh, no one's supposed to know ;)

You'll blow my cover :rolleyes:

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Thanks Steve , got home OK with no further probs thanks to a bit of outside assistance from team mancs and a nearby lampost . 



Just about to scrape the cow dung off now then give the car a good dose of looking at in the daylight .

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