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Lake District Holiday Pictures

Julie Hall - WSCC AO Representative

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Here are a few of my holiday pictures for anyone who may be interested.


A cracking little cafe right next door to where we stayed in Keswick called The Filling Station always had interesting stuff parked outside and lots of yummy bikers.





We managed to find a V8 Marlin who was also on holiday. 





Heading out to the Honister Pass, video going on YouTube soon.




That's all folks, hope you enjoy.

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Looks great, road in the last one looks great.


How far did you go over how many days?

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Mmmmm honister pass , great memories of C2C in the poring rain :)

Remember it well .we would have been more suited in canoes.

You picked a good week Julie/ Glen


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That road looks superb and you have a really, really nice looking car.

When I was a scrote in short trousers I had my first ever school away trip to Keswick. Wish I wasn't too decrepit to remember it...

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We were there in August, sadly Westyless but we did take the big fat Beemer across, Hardknott, Wrynose and Kirkstone passes :d

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Ah yes the Honister pass, my legs are still recovering :d


I like the last bit before you descend into Seatoller, theres a big sign at the top that says

"cyclist are strongly advised to dismount and proceed on foot" well thats a challenge innit?

So off I went, i remember passing quite a few cars on the way down :laugh:

The only problem was at the bottom I had to wait for the wife for 20 minutes as she walked her bike down :rolleyes:

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Pete... How far over how many days...we had a cottage booked for a week so we were based in Keswick. The first day clashed with the kit car show at Donnington so we went there first, left about 3pm, called in home to load the car up and then went to Keswick over a very empty A66 bathed in evening sunshine.


One of my other hobbies is scrambling and yomping about on mountains so a lot of the holiday was spent doing that. We went over the Kirkstone Pass as we went to Ullswater and Pooley Bridge. Two trips over Honister Pass, one to spend the day at Buttermere and one for the hell of it (and a cup of tea).


We also went to the Langdale Valley and the Borrowdale Valley. It all ended quite spectacularly by meeting up near Windermere the following Saturday on the West part of M Van Zellers C2C for the journey home. Well sort of ended, we went to the East part of Martin's C2C on the Sunday. Needless to say I did actually hand the keys over to Glen on Monday when he suggested a run to Bakewell via Matlock.


A picture of Striding Edge, Helvellyn.




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Hellvelyn looks a bit different in winter ;)


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Hellvelyn looks a bit different in winter






On one of your missions I take it then 'Bond' ? ???  ???

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Shhh I dont want everyone to know ;)

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