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Window opinions requested...

John K

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I need to choose which finish for the new windows.


And I've developed Upgradeitis for the windows, now looking at fancy foiled frames etc (price is climbing all the time :down: )

So I'm starting to talk serious cash and don't feel brave enough to make the choice without some helpful peer pressure...


Feel free to comment... Not telling you which the OH prefers...


"Loud mouthed Moss Green" or "Blending in Irish Oak"





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I like the ones on the right but I think they blend in to much with the brickwork and your house will look like a paper parcel.


I also don't think the ones on the left go well with the brickwork.

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There is a reason why the original ones are the colour they are  - they go.  


So much so that someone ( an architect/designer perhaps)  has paid more to do them in that colour.



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And do away with that orrible leading, I hate it, it's like being in prison with bars on the windows ;):d

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Good stuff so far chaps, keep it coming.

Leading is definitely going, it is the thing the OH hates 2nd most about the current windows.

The number one on her hate list is mahogany wood work, really words cannot express how much she hates that colour.

She doesn't read the forum so I can say that I like it and agree it goes really well with the bricks... But whilst the integrity of the current frames is OK being hardwood, but they leak more than the Westie does, do not pass muster on security and will need upkeep. So unfortunately they need to go :(

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That's most likely the sealing of the frames, think of all the money you'll save but raking out the old mastic and resealing.

Mind you our leaking tap washer led to a new mixer, new sink, new work tops------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ah to hell with it, a new kitchen with built in dishsmasher , extractor fan, built in fridge freezer, 2 ovens and hob :d Not forgetting doing away with a stud wall, new floor and wall tiles, new ceiling.

  Once SWMBO gets an idea in their head-----------------------you're doomed

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That's most likely the sealing of the frames, think of all the money you'll save but raking out the old mastic and resealing.

Mind you our leaking tap washer led to a new mixer, new sink, new work tops------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ah to hell with it, a new kitchen with built in dishsmasher , extractor fan, built in fridge freezer, 2 ovens and hob :d Not forgetting doing away with a stud wall, new floor and wall tiles, new ceiling.

Once SWMBO gets an idea in their head-----------------------you're doomed

Unfortunately not that simple. When I plaster boarded the reveals I did a temporary but good job of sealing the admittedly sizeable gaps around the frames to the brick.

The real problem is the hinges are rubbish, they don't move like modern ones do and this means they don't squash into the draught excluder evenly and there is ALWAYS a bigger gap at the hinge side. Also because they 'slide' into place they eventually rip even the best fitted draught excluders up.

But as for the rest of it all... I agree 100% LOL!

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Go with white and no horrible lead or go oak foil outside and white inside. Don't worry about unsightly gaps....plenty of clear silicone and 12mm trim over the top without silicone.....fitted them for 25 years without any complaints.

'mahogany/rosewood ' is so 90s.

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I really like dark grey velfac with that colour brickwork- popular in the rest of Europe for some reason.

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Like your comment Mike....but this is England and we're a million years behind the rest of the world when it comes to house building.

Unlike our touring caravans LOL.

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I prefer Windows 7 to WIndows 8.1 - hope that helps.












Have you thought about using Photoshop to see how it would look?

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Guess what her second least favourite colour is... Yup grey...

Done a few work trips to the Nordic regions and I think I know the finish you mean, it would look good.

It is swinging towards white at the mo, like Sooty said, goes with everything and it is hard to be annoyed by White. Plus it means the price will drop by a grand or so, so that's the RX777 seats sorted..!

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I prefer Windows 7 to WIndows 8.1 - hope that helps.

Have you thought about using Photoshop to see how it would look?

My natural fear of authority stops my from commenting on the first post, however the second one is a mighty fine idea...

Something to do during my next conference call with the boss.

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