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Proxes 888 - in the wet? Abingdon this Friday

Man On The Clapham Omnibus

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I have a trackday booked at Abingdon for the 29th and the forecast at the moment is rain on and off all day. :(


The question is should I swap back from my Proxes to more suitable tyres even though those more suitable tyres are pretty old and offer poor performance in the dry due, I assume, to hardening of the rubber? Waht are half worn 888s like on a wet track? ???

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All tyres are reasonable in the wet but it depends how you drive with them. 888's in my opinion are not great when its damp and quickly lose the dry grip level so take care. If its really wet with spray off the cars then just keep it smooth and what for standing water cos the 888 does not shift much water. In the dry they are very good. Your old tyres may not be any better if they are old and hard

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Went out today in pouring rain with 888s and was amazed how good they were....REALLY. There was very little traffic about so didn't really hold back too much( within the law of course). The stories I've heard about their wet weather grip has been completely dispelled.

So stick to your 888s.Enjoy.

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Thanks chaps! :) I enjoy the new-found grip of the Proxes so don't really want to swap back. Luckily the forecast for Friday on the Met Office website this morning is much better, so with luck I won't have to decide anyway. I did a wet day at Hullavington a while back using the old Fuldas that the car was fitted with by the last owner about ten years ago, and it was 'interesting' to say the least. :oops:



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888's are usable on  a wet track and better than the T1R's (I guess these are the proxies you are refering to)  I tried both and 888's are the best.


My T1R's are now gone and replaced with R1R's which are much better for the road and a wet track.

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Bernie, I have 888s now, bought used from Tigger on a set of wheels last year. Two dry trackdays demonstrated very well that they are streets ahead of the Fuldas that the car came with when I bought it. The Fuldas are on a set of OZ Racing wheels probably bought from Halfords complete with the tyres by the previous owner. They were ok for a few track days early on, but age has taken its toll and they are now hard and cracking. I keep them only for driving to and from the MoT station because I don't like the idea of 888s for the test and the Fuldas have a legal level of tread still. The car is on SORN but I insured it for a day to get it MoT tested to give me the chance to drive it after an over-winter lay-up. Luckily the weather forecast is now looking better so I don't think it will be an issue. :)

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I have 2 sets of wheels as well, 888's on one set are just for the track. On the other set of wheels I have R1R's, these I use on the road and for wet trackdays. 

  I suggest you dump the Fuldas as they are too hard for any type of driving as they last too long and end up cracking as you found out.  If you buy F or G compound tyres they would last out 3 or 4 years and would be worn out before they go hard and crack.  There is a few F & G compound tyres around such as R1R's, these just happen to be my favoured road and wet track tyres at the moment and give good grip on a light car.  One thing to note is G compound tyres are being phased out across the EEC due to their higher friction and subsequently higher fuel consumption.

Other WSSC members have suggested their favoured tyres but it's down to you what you buy.

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My son has just ordered a set of these: http://www.jjcraceandrally.com/kit-car/tyres/nankang-ns-2r-semi-slick-track-day-tyre-e-marked for his Z4M Coupé for track day use. They are very keenly priced so we'll see how well they perform and last.

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They last pretty well and grip isn't bad at all, they do tend to 'go off' fairly quickly if your driving style is lairy though. We use them as the control tyre in the MX-5 race series I compete in. Certainly decent for the cash.

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They last pretty well and grip isn't bad at all, they do tend to 'go off' fairly quickly if your driving style is lairy though. We use them as the control tyre in the MX-5 race series I compete in. Certainly decent for the cash.

Thanks Adam, they do get reasonable reports on the Z4 forum but it's nice to get real track feedback. We shall see if they actually get fitted. They were supposed to be delivered to me here to get fitted to a set of wheels I have lined up for them. If anything can be fouled up it will: they arrived at my son's fourth floor flat in SW London this afternoon (credit card billing address) and he's got to get all four in his Z4M Coupé to bring them to me tomorrow! 

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Well-             give a set of Nankangs a chance then.  They are F or G compounds and will certainly be better than the Fuldas.

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Well-             give a set of Nankangs a chance then.  They are F or G compounds and will certainly be better than the Fuldas.

They are for son's Z4M - the 888s from Tigger are mine. :t-up:

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