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Recommend me a new mobile phone


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Collective wisdom please folks, I want to upgrade my phone - Nokia Lumia 800.  I love it and the only reason I want to change is because I am fed up of not being able to get the apps I want, specifically RaceChrono and Strava.  The things I like most are the incredible camera, which I use often (Carl Veiss Tessar lens, 10mp) and it's ability to sync harmoniously with windows based functions like Hotmail, Word and Excel.  The only downside is the lack of supported apps.  It's the only phone I've had for over 2 years and never felt like I needed/wanted more, until now.

So, what do you suggest? I don't use the contracted calls/texts much so was hoping to reduce my monthly outgoings (£26 per month) and I'm not a brand snob so am open to any suggestions!


Thanks :)


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i'm on a samsung s3 and i carry spare batteries.... i dont think you can swap on the htc one

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Can't find anything like racechrono on the store for Windows Phone 8.1 either, so it looks like upgrading won't help. There are plenty of cycle apps though which is what I get when I search for strava. Sounds like one of the popular Android phones would be a safe bet.


Maybe there's a gap in the market for a racechrono style app. Best dust me programming skills off!

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I love my Galaxy S4 - been a fan of Android since it first appeared and have multiple iOS and Android devices to compare with as i am an app developer and web coder.


Not sure how good it is on the Micro$haft front as I hate and detest Word/Excel/Outlook and make a point of never using them (that's just me tho!)

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My advice would be to stump up for the handset outright and get a cheap SIM only contract, £12 a month will get you all you can eat data and texts, 250 mins cross-network and will save you a small fortune over a 2 year period. No tie-in, 1 month rolling contract so you can swap/ upgrade whenever you like.


As far as the Apple vs Android debate, I'm steering well clear of that one. Up to you - borrow one of each from some mates and see what YOU like best rather than listen to what other people like the best/ what they've grown up with/ what they are given at work.


Just don't go with another Microsoft phone, repeated flogging does not revive a dead horse.

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And to round off the Galaxy S line up, I have an S5, after previously owning an S2, S3 and S4 (briefly). S5 as you can imagine is by far the best phone I've owned.


Going to keep my s3 for use in the Westy on days out (stuck on the dash).


As for contracts, I don't like the idea of being stuck in one so I use Giff Gaff (runs on O2 network). £12 a month 'goody bad' give you 250 mins, unlimited txts and unlimited data. I then buy the phones outright from fleebay as and when I want to upgrade.

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My advice would be to stump up for the handset outright and get a cheap SIM only contract, £12 a month will get you all you can eat data and texts, 250 mins cross-network and will save you a small fortune over a 2 year period. No tie-in, 1 month rolling contract so you can swap/ upgrade whenever you like.


^ that, have a look at GiffGaff for SIM only offers, very good company to deal with too  http://giffgaff.com/

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My daughter is on Giff Gaff as well, rates them very highly.

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I'm in the same market, but currently on iPhone 4. love lots about the phone, but hate the way it ties you in to Apple. Contract ended and I have been on SIM only for about a year. Must say that's a great way to do it. What is Giff Gaff's coverage like as i use Vodafone at moment which is very good out in the wilds where we are ?

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 What is Giff Gaff's coverage like as i use Vodafone at moment which is very good out in the wilds where we are ?


It runs on the o2 network so I find it great (North Yorkshire). Here is the coverage checker though as your milage may vary. http://giffgaff.com/4g

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Like Nick I have an Iphone 4S with Sim only contract with mega minutes , unlimited text and a lot of data

£13 per month all on vodaphone

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I have samsung note 2 excellent phone/pocket computer I do more email and Web stuff on it than phone stuff. It is large but also comes with a stylus built in for handwriting recognition which is very good excellent for syncing to outlook via gmail/calendar and meetings.

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I bought a Motorola moto g 16GB on tescomobile for £120, unlocked it and went to giffgaff. Great value, genuine full day battery life and I'm totally happy...

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I also recommend the Motorola moto G I done the same thing tesco from the tesco direct catalog and used tesco vouchers and doubled them up so only cost £60 then cheap unlock code from flee Bay

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I just got the new Moto G 4G from Tesco for £139. This model takes a 32gb micro SD card.  Fab phone and am on sim only from Virgin for £7 per month.  BUT, the OP wants a phone with a great camera, and that's the one thing that lets the Moto G down - camera is not great.

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