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Is Tony Stark the new James Bond?

John K

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This will only make sense if you, like I do, think that Roger Moore was the best Bond so far.


Bond is supposed to be a playboy spy, Daniel Craig and (less so) Sean Connery are/were hired thugs.


Moore would quip his way out of trouble, the other two would punch their way out.


But Stark is great in the Marvel films, gadgets, humour and finally violence as a last resort.


So I would argue, Stark is the new Bond and the current Bond is the new Jason Bourne


I sit back and wait for the hate filled rants to commence...

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I hate you and your ill informed opinion....... :)  got that bit out he way.


I used to think RM was the best bond until I was 20. Now without doubt it SC,RM,DC. Worst was PB IMHO.


I hear where your coming from, but remeber this was cold-war era. David Nivven would have been good.


ETA - I cant stand Iron Man, so in answer to the subject - please no.

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I rather liked Mr. Brosnan in the role. But the worst IMO was Timothy Dalton.


Just shows, we're all different.


I quite like the fact that it's dynamic. RM was great then, but would be a bit 'lame' for wont of a better expression today.


Arguably David Niven was James Bond, in the 1st casino royale.

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Iron Man works for me in that he's a superhero through engineering.

Love Bonds up to and including view to a kill went soft then. Daniel Craigs not even a Bond, Skyfall was tedious to watch!!

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It's a long time since I read the original books, but my memory of Bond from them, perhaps clouded by years/films was of a brutal, sadistic thug, hiding under a veneer of sophistication.


I liked the Connery Bond, but my favourite for many years was RM and in particular, the (possibly early) RM era films. Whilst he might not be my favourite Bond any more, I've just realised the films still are amongst my favourites!


i seem to be in a minority that quite enjoyed Timothy Dalton's portrayal, though he perhaps drew a short straw with the films.


My last favourite Bond was actually Pierce Brosnan  in his first couple of outings. And while they're not my favourite Bond films, I did enjoy them. Unfortunately, the last PB film especially is without doubt, not only my most loathed Bond film, and amongst my least favourite films of all time, it also for many years all but killed any enjoyment I might have for the franchise.


I've enjoyed the DC films and the ADAC portrayal. The sad fact is though, I just can't really get back into them after the tail end of the PB years. (A fault of the producers, directors, screen writers and most of all those responsible for the God awful CGI work).


Oh, and I don't care about the cheesy one liners, camp safari suits and comedy villains. My favourite (Bond) film is and always will be The Spy Who Loved Me, the best villain, Jaws, the best car, yep, you guessed it, a white Lotus Esprit/submarine. Oh, and best theme song too!


(It may help that I was seven or eight, saw it at the pictures, the second day of a summer Holliday, and spent the rest of the holiday playing with a Corgi Lotus Esprit and Stromberg helicopter models!  :laugh:  :blush: )

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... but my memory of Bond from them, perhaps clouded by years/films was of a brutal, sadistic thug, hiding under a veneer of sophistication.


Yep he was, with an extra forgive us carnal knowledge factor!

An accurate film of the first book would not have been family viewing.


My faves we're SC and PB.


The bad guy from the TV series 'Fargo' would be an interesting interpretation for a future film.

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Who is Tony Stark?     For what it's worth, only Connery cuts it with me with his DB5 and best Bond films are Goldfinger and Dr No, only because of Ursula  Andress appearance





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I used to like the Roger Moore films when I was first old enough to watch James Bond films. Now I think both they and he are terrible. Brosnan was, in my opinion a very good Bond but in some exceedingly bad Bond films. His first outing in Goldeneye is mostly great. I'd also rate Dalton and it's a shame he didn't get another film due to the usual legal disputes. Daniel Craig is what I understand Bond to be as a character and two of the films have been fantastic - the last in particular is my favourite Bond film.


Iron Man / Tony Stark is just something else altogether. I don't really know the character from the comic books but if the film portrayal is accurate I doubt there is any actor that could have made a better job of it the RDJnr.

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There's only one 007 for me sign him up ...............Paul Hurdsfield suave, sophisticated, good looking :p  :p  :p  and as Buzz said many years ago he looks good in a size 8 dress :p good at disguise.


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There's only one 007 for me sign him up ...............Paul Hurdsfield suave, sophisticated, good looking :p  :p  :p  and as Buzz said many years ago he looks good in a size 8 dress :p good at disguise.



I'd moderate this if I wasn't busy reaching for my bottle of Brain Bleach.

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Can't stand Bond. It's 2 hours of "Shyeah, right, come on now! Gravity doesn't work like that. You can't walk on a leg you've been shot in"


And that bleedin comic Iron Man thing, a bloke in a garage builds a suit that out manouvres an F22? And tests it in his garage over his fancy cars? Too much product placement, it's like watching a 2 hours Audi advert. It would have been alright if I was 7.


Question is though, why do I sit through it and not do something useful with my time?

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but thats the point of iron man isnt it, hes a comic book hero so no more far fetched than a kid turning into a spider shooting webs or any of the others.


so long a mr junior can do a decent british accent, not some american butchered queens English-cor-blimey-guvna-im-a-coceney then i dont see why not.


i like the new bond films,  a bit harsher and uncouth. but i also like the old 60s ones as they had that air of optimism and we can do anything about them.

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If you're re-making a comic into a motion picture rather than a cartoon, at least make it realistic, otherwise, stick with a cartoon being a cartoon.


The only one I kinda liked was the Batman with Heath Ledger in but that was only because of Heath Ledger being the first person to be able to act in any of these comic remakes.

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